Herhalings Week PW 1

Lesson 1 
Grammar: page 77
- I know how to use the past simple, and can make questions and negations in the past simple

Vocabulary: page 74-75
Chapter 1
A Watching, C Reading, F Listening, G Reading

Irregular Verbs: page 215
1 through 33 to be - to flee
Herhalings Week (Revision Week)
Lesson 2 
Grammar: page 125
- I know when to use the past continuous versus the past simple. 

- I can write a text following a task. 

Vocabulary: page 122-124
Chapter 2
A Watching, C Reading, F Listening, G Reading

Irregular Verbs: page 215
34 through 66 to fly - to rise

Lesson 3
- I can use the modals, should, must and have to.

All from chapter 1 & 2

Irregular Verbs: page 215
67-101 to run - to write
1 / 20
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Lesson 1 
Grammar: page 77
- I know how to use the past simple, and can make questions and negations in the past simple

Vocabulary: page 74-75
Chapter 1
A Watching, C Reading, F Listening, G Reading

Irregular Verbs: page 215
1 through 33 to be - to flee
Herhalings Week (Revision Week)
Lesson 2 
Grammar: page 125
- I know when to use the past continuous versus the past simple. 

- I can write a text following a task. 

Vocabulary: page 122-124
Chapter 2
A Watching, C Reading, F Listening, G Reading

Irregular Verbs: page 215
34 through 66 to fly - to rise

Lesson 3
- I can use the modals, should, must and have to.

All from chapter 1 & 2

Irregular Verbs: page 215
67-101 to run - to write

Slide 1 - Slide

The Past Simple (Regular Verbs)
When do we use the past simple?
To talk about things that happened in the past. 
             My mom called me this morning.           call -> called

How to form the past simple?

1. Add an -ed to the end of the verb or just 'd' if the vowel already ends in an 'e'.
            play -> played                 look -> looked                climb -> climbed                  explore -> explored

2. Y Rule: y turns to i, except if the 'y' comes after a vowel (a,e,i,o,u)
            carry -> carried                hurry -> hurried         BUT         play -> played            

3. Double Rule: Consonant is doubled if it is right before a vowel.
            stop -> stopped               dot -> dotted            hop -> hopped
Past simple is often used with: 
Last, Ago, Dates, Yesterday (LADY)
   I arrived home last Friday.         We booked our holiday two weeks ago.      Our flight departed on 16 July 2020.

Slide 2 - Slide

Questions in the past tense page 69
Rule 1
Was he late to class?        Were you even paying attention?    Could he make it on time?

Was/Were and auxiliary verbs (could, would)
Is placed at the start of the question.

Rule 2
Did you hear what she said?     Did they make it to work on time?       Did he do his homework?

All other verbs go with did at the beginning of the sentence followed by the infinitive.

Rule 3
Where did my phone go?    Who was that over there?      What flavor do you like best?

Wh-questions (who, what, where, when, why, which, how) go at the beginning of the sentence. 

Slide 3 - Slide

Make this statement into a question.
He was late to class.

Slide 4 - Open question

Guess the rule: Negations in the past simple.
Rule 1: Was/were and auxiliary verbs - you add 'nt or not.

I wasn't at school yesterday.           I couldn't get out of bed.
I was not at school yesterday.        I could not get out of bed.

Rule 2: With all other verbs you add didn't/did not + infinitive.

We didn't have time to do our homework.
We did not have time to do our homework. 

I didn't think that joke was funny. 
I did not think that joke was funny.

Slide 5 - Slide

Make this statement into a question.
She left early from work.

Slide 6 - Open question

Turn this positive sentence into a negative.

They were at school yesterday.

Slide 7 - Open question

Self Study
I can make the past simple.
Additional Explanation: Click here.
1. Stepping Stones Practice. Click Here.
2. Self Practice: Click here and here
Vocabulary Chapter 1 page 74-75
Irregular Verbs page 215
1 through 33 to be - to flee

I can make questions in the past simple.
Additional Explanation: Click here.
1. Stepping Stones Practice: Click here.
2. Self Practice: Click here and here.

I can make negations in the past simple.
Additional Explanation: Click here.
1. Stepping Stones Practice: Click here
2. Self Practice: Click here.

Slide 8 - Slide

Exit Ticket
On a piece of paper put the verb in the past simple. It can be positive, negative or a question.

1. ______________ (to have) a cat when you were younger?

2. No, I ___________________ (to have) one.

3. But I always ___________ (to want) one.

Slide 9 - Slide

Lesson 1 
Grammar: page 77
- I know how to use the past simple, and can make questions and negations in the past simple

Vocabulary: page 74-75
Chapter 1
A Watching, C Reading, F Listening, G Reading

Irregular Verbs: page 215
1 through 33 to be - to flee
Herhalings Week (Revision Week)
Lesson 2 
Grammar: page 125
- I know when to use the past continuous versus the past simple. 

- I can write a text following a task. 

Vocabulary: page 122-124
Chapter 2
A Watching, C Reading, F Listening, G Reading

Irregular Verbs: page 215
34 through 66 to fly - to rise

Lesson 3
- I can use the modals, should, must and have to.

All from chapter 1 & 2

Irregular Verbs: page 215
67-101 to run - to write

Slide 10 - Slide

Past Continuous vs. Past Simple page 69
You can use these two tenses together in one sentence. 
longer activity = past continuous
shorter activity = past simple
Example sentences: 
I was cooking dinner when my brother hit his head on the open kitchen cabinet. 

My friend and I were dancing for a tic tok video when my mom walked into the room!

She was walking her dog when the cat attacked them!

Slide 11 - Slide

Self Study
I know when to use past simple vs. when to use past continuous.
Additional explanations: past continuous vs. past simple

1. Stepping Stones Practice: Click here.

2. Past Simple and Past Continuous: Self Practice
Vocabulary Chapter 2 page 122-123

Irregular Verbs page 215
1 through 33 to be - to flee

I can write a text by following a task. 
Write 70-80 words describing 1 important event in your life, and 2 life lessons you learned. 
   - include at least two forms of past simple. 
   - imagine that your audience is an elementary student, so you're passing on life advice. 

Slide 12 - Slide

Exit Ticket
On a piece of paper, write either past continuous or past simple of the words in brackets. 

1. I ____________ (to walk) my dog when a cat ____________ (to attack) us. 

2. She _________ (to text) her friend while she _______________ (to bike). 

3. A shark ____________ (to swim) up to me while I _____________ (to surf) in the Ocean. 

Slide 13 - Slide

Lesson 1 
Grammar: page 77
- I know how to use the past simple, and can make questions and negations in the past simple

Vocabulary: page 74-75
Chapter 1
A Watching, C Reading, F Listening, G Reading

Irregular Verbs: page 215
1 through 33 to be - to flee
Herhalings Week (Revision Week)
Lesson 2 
Grammar: page 125
- I know when to use the past continuous versus the past simple. 

- I can write a text following a task. 

Vocabulary: page 122-124
Chapter 2
A Watching, C Reading, F Listening, G Reading

Irregular Verbs: page 215
34 through 66 to fly - to rise

Lesson 3
- I can use the modals, should, must and have to.

All from chapter 1 & 2

Irregular Verbs: page 215
67-101 to run - to write

Slide 14 - Slide

Modal Verbs - page 116
Form: modal verb + infinitive 
(making questions modals go at the beginning of a sentence, 'have to' is the exception)

Have to
You use have to to say something needs to be done. It's not a choice: you have to do it. 
He has to do the dishes.
Do we have to wear a helmet on our bikes?
You use should to give advice. You say it would be good to do something, but you don't have to do it. 
We should start with our homework.
Should my grandmother go to the doctor?
You use must when the speaker thinks something must be done. You also use must when you strongly recommend something. 
The singer must bring his guitar for the concert.           I must take some time to relax.
You must not/mustn't listen to that mean guy.              Must we do this exercise?

Slide 15 - Slide

Modal Verbs: Have to, should, must
When the speaker thinks something needs to be done. Also really strong advice.
to say something needs to be done
Advice and suggestion
have to

Slide 16 - Drag question

My bus is arriving soon. I _____ leave!
have to

Slide 17 - Quiz

Wow, you've not done anything for math class. You _______ really study.
have to

Slide 18 - Quiz

My mom says I ______ clean my room before I can go to my friend's.
have to

Slide 19 - Quiz

Self Study
I can use the modals, should, have to, and must. 
Additional explanations: Modals
1. Stepping Stones Practice: Click Here
2. Modals practice: Click Here
Vocabulary Chapter 1

Vocabulary Chapter 2 page 122-123

Irregular Verbs: page 215
67-101 to run - to write

Slide 20 - Slide