Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line

- Take your seat
- Take your book in front of you.
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 25 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

- Take your seat
- Take your book in front of you.

Slide 1 - Slide

What do you know about India?

Slide 2 - Mind map

Deepa Annapare is a reporter in India
She writes about her experiences and how the plight of children in bastis like Jai's gripped her during her reporting years in India.
She wanted this novel to reflect children's vitality, intelligence, and resourcefulness, but also to explore children's vulnerability.
She writes that child trafficking is a big problem in India but that the crimes do not get much attention.

Slide 3 - Slide

What is Hinduism?
Hindu= Someone that lives around the river Indus.
Vedic period: more than 1500 year before Chr. (Ariens)
Word first coined by the British, who colonised India in the 18th century

Slide 4 - Slide

Caste System

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Video

Slide 7 - Video

The God of Hinduism can appear in many shapes and forms
Not True

Slide 8 - Quiz

Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva
Brahma = the creator
Vishnu = the preserver
Shiva = the destroyer

Slide 9 - Slide

What do the 3 gods Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma have to do with Samsara?

Slide 10 - Open question

The British, amongst the Dutch & French, were in favour of decolonisation after 1945.

In 1947, they handed over power in British East Indies. This led to violence between Muslims and Hindus.

The colony was split into the states of
  •     India (Hindus),
  •     Pakistan (Muslims) &
  •     Bangladesh (Muslims).
decolonisation in Asia

Slide 11 - Slide

Slum in India

Slide 12 - Mind map

Slum in Bangalore India

Slide 13 - Slide


-migranten afkomstig platteland
-stedelijke en sociale voorzieningen ontbraken

 oude, grote vervallen woningen
-verlaten bedrijfspanden
-onderverhuurd aan meerdere mensen.
-gedeelde gemeenschappelijke voorzieningen

Slide 14 - Slide


Slide 15 - Slide

Poverty in India
Nearly 220 million people live below the poverty line.
Poverty line is 12 euro's per month.
There are more people living in Indian slums than in Britain.
Nearly half Indian children are malnourished.

Slide 16 - Slide

Rich side of India
India almost as rich as United States.
The top 10% of the Indian population holds 77% of the total national wealth.
There are 119 billionaires in India. Their number has increased from only 9 in 2000 to 101 in 2017. Between 2018 and 2022, India is estimated to produce 70 new millionaires every day.

Slide 17 - Slide

Rich vs Poor
Many ordinary Indians are not able to access the health care they need. 63 million of them are pushed into poverty because of healthcare costs every year - almost two people every second.
It would take 941 years for a minimum wage worker in rural India to earn what the top paid executive at a leading Indian garment company earns in a year.

Slide 18 - Slide

What do you know
about Bollywood?

Slide 19 - Mind map


  • Heroes or anti-heroes
  • Keeping it casual
  • Inspired on books
  • Historically usually right

  • Epic heroes
  • Love and romance
  • Hinduism
  • Historically quite wrong
  • Outtakes of western stories

Slide 20 - Slide

A young man and woman meet while roadtripping by train in Europe. They fall in love immediately.

Slide 21 - Quiz

A pianist and an actress fall in love with each other while trying to make a big career.

Slide 22 - Quiz

Slide 23 - Slide

Coming-of-age novels are commonly called Bildungsroman or “formation novels” because they depict the intellectual or emotional development of a protagonist

Een 'Coming of Age' boek wordt vaak een 'Bildungsroman' genoemd; de emotionele en intellectuele ontwikkeling van een hoofdpersonage.

Slide 24 - Slide

Postcolonial literature
Postcolonial literature is the literature of countries that were colonized, mainly by European countries. Postcolonial literature often addresses the problems and consequences of the decolonization of a country, especially questions relating to the political and cultural independence of formerly subjugated people. In postcolonial theory, voice is given to marginal identities or characters who are on the periphery in the early narration or in history, but through the retelling of history from post colonial perspective, these identities come in the centre.

Slide 25 - Slide