M4D week 2 Friday

Good morning M4D

4th period:

  • check exam prep + Format the Netherlands
  • Explanation writing assignments
  • Letter writing

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Good morning M4D

4th period:

  • check exam prep + Format the Netherlands
  • Explanation writing assignments
  • Letter writing

Slide 1 - Slide

Good morning M4D

5th period:

  • Writing exercise 1
  • Making a draft

Readtheory 4 texts

Slide 2 - Slide

writing test
16 October 5th period

Slide 3 - Slide

Exam prep onderdeel 3 & 4
Check answers on page 112 WB

Make it, don't fake it!

Slide 4 - Slide

Format the Netherlands


Europe                           Region

Amsterdam                 Capital

16,936,520                    Population

41,543 SQ. KM             Area

$879.3 billion              GDP (Gross domestic products )

$49,624                          GDP per
capita, ppp

Slide 5 - Slide

Typically Dutch
  • cheese, wooden shoes, windmills, tulips
  • colour orange
  • tallest people
  • liberal view on drugs, abortion, euthanasia etc
  • celebrating Kingsday

Slide 6 - Slide

Typically Dutch

Slide 7 - Mind map

  • located in the Hague
  • constitutional monarchy
  • elected parliament
  • two main political parties
  • prime minister: Mark Rutte
  • head of state: King Willem Alexander

Slide 8 - Slide

What else do you know about our government?

Slide 9 - Open question

Historical facts
  • Words such as "dollar" and "Yankee" have Dutch roots
  • Amsterdam grew around a 13th century dam in the Amstel river
  • first to legalise same-sex marriage in 2001
  • in 1642 Rembrandt paints the Nightwatch
  • 1919 Dutch women get the vote

Slide 10 - Slide

Geographical facts
  • highest point is 322,7 metres above sea level (Vaalserberg)
  • one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
  • More than 1,000 bridges
  • 20,000 miles of bike paths
  • Much of the country is
  • 12 provinces

Slide 11 - Slide

Other interesting facts you found?

Slide 12 - Open question

The Netherlands is the best place to live, because:

Slide 13 - Open question

writing skills
Choose from 4 writing assignments.

Hand in assignment 1:  Thursday 23 September

Slide 14 - Slide

Informal letters
  • to friends, family, relatives, close aquaintances
  • personal tone
  • used for personal communication
  • casual language
  • No set format ---> guidelines

Slide 15 - Slide

address of the writer
  • no name, just your address
  • left side top of the page 

Hertogenlaan 87
6023 AB Weert
the Netherlands

Writing tip
Even when writing to close friends or relatives the address must be written, so they can reply back to the letter with ease. If the recipient of the letter is in another country, do not forget to write your country as well in the address.

Slide 16 - Slide

  • just below the writer's adress (skip 1 or 2 lines)
  • Write the month in full

16 September 2021
September 16, 2021
16th September 2021
September 16th 2021

Slide 17 - Slide

  • Just below the date (skip 1 or 2 lines)
  • Dear .../Hi ... / Hello ...

Hello dad, 
Dear Alex,
Hi mum 

Slide 18 - Slide


  • Write at least 3 paragraphs
  • Introduction, body, conclusion
Writing tip
Adjust your language according to who you are writing to. With a friend, you can be  casual. But if you are writing to an elder relative or aquaintace, you must be respectful.

Slide 19 - Slide

  • Commonly used phrases:

Lots of Love 
Best Wishes,
Kind Regards,

Your name

Slide 20 - Slide

formal letters
  • to people you don't know personally
  • businesslike tone
  • Simple and clear language
  • used for official communication
  • conventions

Slide 21 - Slide

1. address of the writer (same as informal letter)

2. Name + address of the person you are writing to

3. Date (same as informal letter)

Slide 22 - Slide

4. Greeting

If you don't know the name of the person you are writing to:
Dear Sir/Madam

Writing tip
it is always advisable to try to find out a name

Slide 23 - Slide

4. Greeting
If you know the name of the person you are writing to use:
title + last name

Dear Mr Jenkins,                Dear Miss Davis,
Dear Dr Green,                     Dear Ms Hamers,
Dear Mrs Hutchins,

Slide 24 - Slide

5. How to end a formal letter
  • If you do not know the name of the person, use:  Yours Faithfully,
  • If you know the name of the person ,use: Yours Sincerely,
  • Your signature: Sign your name

Writing tip
You cannot use contractions in formal letters. 
Do not use words like aren't or hasn't but write them in full: are not, has not. 

Slide 25 - Slide

asap = as soon as possible
cc = carbon copy (when you send a copy of a letter to more than one person)
enc. = enclosure (when you include other papers with your letter)
pto (informal) = please turn over (to make sure that the other person knows the letter continues on the other side of the page)
RSVP = please reply

Slide 26 - Slide

Writing assignments
  1. Improving your future self
  2. Improving Philips van Horne
  3. Write a limerick about a world issue
  4. Speech for a world leader 

Slide 27 - Slide

  • 4 texts every week
  • will be checked every Friday
  •  class code: PVDCGN3M

Slide 28 - Slide