1-06 present simple & continuous herhaling

  • Niet praten wanneer een ander aan het woord is.
  • Mobiel staat op stil en blijft in je tas.
  • Bij vragen handen opsteken.
  • Actief meedoen.

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 13 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

  • Niet praten wanneer een ander aan het woord is.
  • Mobiel staat op stil en blijft in je tas.
  • Bij vragen handen opsteken.
  • Actief meedoen.

Slide 1 - Slide

By the end of this class:
  1. You can use the present simple & present continuous correctly.

Slide 2 - Slide

Lesson plan
  • Toets bespreken
  • Present simple & continuous bespreken (tweetal)
  • Look & learn video
  • Herhaling present simple & continuous
  • Oefeningen 
  • Zelfstandigwerken

Slide 3 - Slide

What is present simple & continuous?
Discuss in pairs (2) present simple and present continuous:
- Rules (use/gebruik)
- Form (vorm)
- Difference between present simple & continuous
Type your answers on the following slide.

Slide 4 - Slide

Present simple & continuous

Slide 5 - Mind map

Slide 6 - Video

Present simple and present continuous 
Present simple
Present continuous: 
Feit, situatie, gewoonte, regelmatige gebeurtenissen.
Gebeurtenissen die nu bezig zijn of nu aan de gang zijn.
Signaalwoorden: always, sometimes, often, never, usually, on Mondays, every.... 
Signaalwoorden: this instant, right now, at the moment, look!, listen! 
hele werkwoord + s (he,she it)
anders hele werkwoord (stam)
am/is/are + hele werkwoord + ing 
Jack rides his bicycle. 
I ride my bike.
Jack is riding his bicycle.
Differences (verschil)

Slide 7 - Slide

Present Continuous

vorm: to be (am, are, is) + hele werkwoord + ing
I am walking to school right now.
I am not walking to school right now.
Am I walking to school?
You are walking
You aren't walking
Are you walking?
He / she / it is walking
He / she / it isn't walking
Is he/she/it walking?
They are walking
They aren't walking
Are they walking?

you are always singing so loudly.
We are never doing that again!

Slide 8 - Slide

Facts, habits, things we do regularly
Form: add s to verb  for he, she and it
Something is happening now
At the moment
Form: (am, is, are) + main verb+ing
Present simple
Present continuous

Slide 9 - Drag question

What: make present simple & continuous
How: individual & quiet (stil).
            individual & discuss answers in pairs of 2 (fluistertoon).
Result: present your answer to the class.
Help: book, teacher
Finished?:  make * extra exercise 
Time: 10 minutes

Slide 10 - Slide

PS & PC game
What: Go to blooket.com
              Use your own name

Slide 11 - Slide

Hfd 6 paragraaf I blz 140
Wat: opgave 53 t/m 56. 
Klaar met 53 en 54 extra pitfalls opgave maken. Daarna verder met 55 en 56.
Hoe: zelfstandig
Hulp: docent, boek

Slide 12 - Slide

  • Present simple vs continuous
  • Lesevaluatie:

                                       Bedankt voor je inzet

Slide 13 - Slide