H2 Week 3 Lesson 2

Welcome H2D
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Class code: 
H2D: hcdif
1 / 22
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 22 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome H2D
Grab your laptop, go to LessonUp and log in with Office 365
(no need for the pin code)

If you're not added to the group:
Class code: 
H2D: hcdif

Slide 1 - Slide

Welcome H2F
Grab your laptop, go to LessonUp and log in with Office 365
(no need for the pin code)

If you're not added to the group:
Class code: 
H2F: fynsj

Slide 2 - Slide

Welcome H2
Grab your laptop, go to LessonUp and log in with Office 365
(no need for the pin code)

If you're not added to the group:
Class code: 
H2D: hcdif
H2E: agbdj
H2F: fynsj

Slide 3 - Slide

  • Go to StudyGo
  • Study Irregular verbs


    Slide 4 - Slide

    Lesson Plan

    • Grammar: Past Continuous vs Past Simple

    Lesson Goals

    At the end of the lesson, I can:

    - explain when to use the past continuous and past simple

    Slide 5 - Slide

    Bell Ringer
    Answer the  'bell ringer' about the previous lesson/new topic

    Slide 6 - Slide

    What do you remember about the past continuous?
    (how to form it/when to use it)

    Slide 7 - Open question

    Past Continuous- Past Simple

    Slide 8 - Slide

    Past continuous / past simple
    We ..................... (to watch) television when Dave ............. (to call)

    Slide 9 - Slide

    We ..................... (watch) television when Dave ............. (call)
    was watching - called
    watched - was calling
    were watching - called
    watched - were calling

    Slide 10 - Quiz

    Past Continuous

    Slide 11 - Slide


    Slide 12 - Slide

    Wanneer gebruik je de past continuous? 
    Je gebruikt de past continuous als iemand in het verleden een tijdje iets aan het doen was

    Slide 13 - Slide

    When to use which
    Past continuous: longer action

    Past simple: shorter action

    While I was watching a football game, he broke his leg. 
    They were reading a book, when the doorbell rang.

    Slide 14 - Slide

    We ...(have) dinner when the doorbell (ring). (past continuous - past simple)

    Slide 15 - Open question

    Past continuous & Past simple:
    While they --------- (read) a book, their mom -------- (tell) them to come down.

    Slide 16 - Open question

    Past Continuous/Past Simple: welke tijd gebruik je?
    When it ............... (start) to rain, the woman ............... (walk) the dog in the neighbourhood.

    Slide 17 - Open question

    - Finish: WB Unit 6.1 & 6.4

    - Use SB page 129 for the irregular verbs

    - Finished? Check answers

    - Finished? StudyGo Unit 6.1


    Slide 18 - Slide

    Write 3 English sentences using the Past Continuous and Past Simple in 1 sentence. Use words like while and when.


    Slide 19 - Open question

    Slide 20 - Slide

    Share your story with your neighbour. 

    You have 90 seconds each. 
    Keep on talking!

    Slide 21 - Slide

    Activating prior knowledge
    What is the difference between 'can', 'have to' and 'must'? When do you use which in a sentence (answer in Dutch)

    Slide 22 - Open question