H4C: WEEK 6: first class: TUESDAY February 9

week 6 FOCUS4 do: Unit 3 pp. 44/45 + 156 +
do: English Lab: Unit 3, 3.7 Use of English: uiterlijk ingeleverd: 08 Feb 2021.
study: FOCUS4 p. 49 Word list: 3.7 (Use of English) + FUP U 31 t/m 33 + 45 (herhalen)

 &  Verplicht boek laten keuren - minstens 150 pp.

FOCUS4 do: Unit 3 page 44:    

1 / 43
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 43 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 5 videos.

Items in this lesson

week 6 FOCUS4 do: Unit 3 pp. 44/45 + 156 +
do: English Lab: Unit 3, 3.7 Use of English: uiterlijk ingeleverd: 08 Feb 2021.
study: FOCUS4 p. 49 Word list: 3.7 (Use of English) + FUP U 31 t/m 33 + 45 (herhalen)

 &  Verplicht boek laten keuren - minstens 150 pp.

FOCUS4 do: Unit 3 page 44:    

Slide 1 - Slide

3.7: USE OF ENGLISH: Determiners: 

I can use all, both, each, every, whole, another, other, others correctly.

EX1: Read the TEXT -A review of the Hobbiton movie set-:

Slide 2 - Slide

                                                          A hobbit fan's PARADISE

If you're a fan of The Hobbit movies, you'll love this Hobbiton tour. I was on a family holiday with my parents and my sister in New Zealand. The whole family are fans of The Hobbit movies and we've seen every one of them, so we went to visit the Hobbiton movie set which is located on a sheep farm. It's a popular tourist spot – all the tourists take hundreds of photos, and so did we! There are forty-four Hobbit holes, and I think we visited all of them. Each Hobbit hole is different and has a round brightly painted door. A team of four gardeners keep the village looking neat and tidy. There were two places to eat and drink: The Shire's Rest Café and The Green Dragon Inn, and we stopped at both places! In fact, the tour ended at the Green Dragon Inn. It was exactly like in the film and the whole time we were there, we were expecting Bilbo Baggins to walk in! My sister and I had ginger lemonade. There were other drinks like tea and hot chocolate, but we were really thirsty. Mum and Dad had tea and cookies. Mum was so hungry she wanted another cookie, but we didn't have time.

Slide 3 - Slide

EX2: Answer the questions about this text:

1.   Where is it located?

Slide 4 - Open question

2.  What did the tourists think of it?

Slide 5 - Open question

3.  Would you like to go there?

Slide 6 - Open question

EX3: Read about the Determiners Both; each, every and all:

Both is used to refer to two people or things
It may be used with 1) countable nouns or 2) pronouns [voornaamwoorden]:

1)  Both (of the) cities are interesting.
2)  I've visited both of them.

• The determiners each and every are used with singular nouns. Each is used when we separately refer to two or more things/people in a group, while every is used to talk about the whole group of three or more people or things together (similarly to all):
- Each tourist learnt to say a few words in the tribe's native language.
- The tourists listened attentively to every word the guide said.

Slide 7 - Slide

Every and all (but not each) may be preceded [voorafgegaan] by almost, nearly, practically:
- Kate has seen nearly every art gallery.

• All is used with plural nouns or pronouns [voornaamwoorden] and refers to 3 or more items/people:
- All (of) the guidebooks were interesting.
- All of them were interesting.

 Both, each (one), every one and all may be followed by of when they precede [voorafgaan aan] either a personal pronoun [persoonlijk voornaamwoord], or a pronoun (possessive [bezittelijk] or demonstrative [aanwijzend]) + plural noun, or a definite article [bepaald lidwoord –‘the’-] + plural noun:

- Both maps were useful.
- Both of my maps were useful.
- Both of the maps were useful.
- Both of them were useful.

Slide 8 - Slide

EX4: Follow the LINKS:

1)  Both, either, neither, each, all, every & none: 

Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Video

2)  All / Every / Each: 

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Video

3) Both, either and neither

Slide 13 - Slide

Slide 14 - Video

EX5: Read about the Determiners All and whole:

Whole is used with countable singular nouns:
   I spent a whole day on the beach.

All is usually used with uncountable nouns. When used with countable nouns, it refers to a period of time:
  All the accommodation is booked.
  He stayed there all winter.

Slide 15 - Slide

EX6: Follow the LINK:

All or whole: 

Slide 16 - Slide

Slide 17 - Video

EX7: Read about the Determiners Another, other, the other(s), the other ones:
Another is used with singular nouns or the pronoun [voornaamwoord] one:
   Let's think about another place to meet.
   I've already had a sandwich, so I don't want another one.
• Other is used with plural countable nouns, uncountable nouns or the pronoun   ones:
   We need other people to help us.
   I think you should pick other furniture – it should be easy to clean.
  These curtains are ugly. We need other ones.
The other is used with countable nouns or the pronoun one/ones. It also refers to one item out of two:
   I booked this hotel because the other ones are full.
  Can you show me the other side of your hand?

Slide 18 - Slide

EX8: Follow the LINK: Other, another or the other?  

The others is not followed by any nouns or pronouns:
   I can see some tourists from our group. Where are the others?

Slide 19 - Slide

Slide 20 - Video

EX9: Read about the Determiners Each other/one another:

We use each other and one another to describe a relation or an activity performed by two or more persons, and when the subject [onderwerp] and object [lijdend voorwerp] are different:
  The tourists helped each other/one another with their bags.

EX10: Read and complete the LANGUAGE FOCUS with the examples in red from the text:    
                                       LANGUAGE FOCUS
both, each, every and all; all and whole; another, other, others, each other and one another:

Slide 21 - Slide

both = 2 things
or people
each = 2 or more
things or people

every = 3 or more things or people

all = 3 or more
things or people

+ noun

both 1) places

2) … … ….

Hobbit movie

all the
4) … … ….

+ of + my/the
etc. + noun
both of the
each (one) of
the Hobbit holes
every one of
The Hobbit
all (of) the

+ pronoun

both of them

each (one) of them

3) … … ….

5) … … ….

Slide 22 - Slide

both            each         every         all the       all 
1) places    2) ... ...       3) ... ...       4) ... ...       5) ... ... 

Slide 23 - Open question

each, every and all

Each, every and all have similar meanings. You use each when you want to emphasise [benadrukken] that you are thinking about individual people or things separately:
- Each Hobbit hole had a slightly different door and I took a selfie in front of each one.

You can use every and all (NOT each) with adverbs [bijwoorden] like almost, nearly, practically.
- I've visited practically every country in Asia.

Slide 24 - Slide

all and whole

You can use all (of) the or the whole (of the) to talk about 100 percent of something. You don't use the whole … with plural nouns for this meaning.

all the tourists NOT the whole tourists  -  all the time    and: 

the  6) … … ….       -       all the family             and: 

the  7) … … ….

Slide 25 - Slide

the 6) … … ….        and        the 7) … … ….

Slide 26 - Open question

another, other, others, each other and one another

another 8) … … …. means 'a different cookie' or 'an additional cookie'.
other 9) … … …. means 'different drinks', but not usually 'additional drinks'.. (Then you say more drinks.)

the other(s) and the other one(s) refers to [verwijst naar] the second of two people or things or to the rest of people or things in a group.
-  I'll carry this bag. Can you carry the other one?
-  I can see Tom. Where are the others?

each other and one another mean the same thing.
My sister and I took photos of each other. = She took a photo of me and I took a photo of her.

Slide 27 - Slide

another 8) … … …. means 'a different cookie' or 'an additional cookie'.
other 9) … … …. means 'different drinks', but not usually 'additional drinks'.

Slide 28 - Open question

page 45:
EX11: Complete the questions with the words below:
[ all (2x)  both   each (2x)   every   whole (2x) ]
1  Can you write your name with ………. hand?                                                       ....................
2  Have you got earrings in ………. ears?                                                                 2   ....................
Do ………. your relatives look like you?                                                                3   ....................
What film has almost ………. student in your class already seen?              ....................

Slide 29 - Open question

[ all   both   each   every   whole ]
  Are you off school for the ………. month of August?        5   .................
Do ………. your friends live near you?                                     6  .................
Can you kick a ball with ………. foot?                                      .................
8  When you eat an apple, do you eat the ………. thing?      .................  

Slide 30 - Open question

EX12: Now answer the questions of exercise 11:
1 …………………………………………………………. .   4 …………………………………………………………. .
2 …………………………………………………………. .
3 …………………………………………………………. .

Slide 31 - Open question

5 …………………………………………………………. . 
6 …………………………………………………………. .
7 …………………………………………………………. .
8 …………………………………………………………. .

Slide 32 - Open question

EX13: Read about the Mamma Mia film locations & choose the correct option:
My fantastic Mamma Mia trip

Slide 33 - Slide

If you love Abba, Meryl Streep and picturesque places, you'll love 1) every / all
 minute of the Mamma Mia films. I've seen practically 2) each / every film with Meryl Streep in it and I don't know how she manages to be so different in 3) each / all the role she plays. I loved Mamma Mia and I've just seen Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again. 4) Both / Every of the films are equally good.   1) ......    2) ......    3) ......    4) ......
  Croatia where Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again was filmed.

Slide 34 - Open question

For my eighteenth birthday, my parents took me on a trip to Greece to visit the film locations for Mamma Mia. There are two main locations: the islands of Skopelos and Skiathos. 5) Both / Each of the islands are stunning, just like in the films. You can't see 6) every one / all the places in the films because some of them were built just for the shoot – for instance, Villa Donna, the hotel owned by Meryl Streep, was filmed in studios in the UK. But I wanted to see the church where Sophie gets married. We had to climb 199 steps, but once we got there the view was breath-taking. The 7) all / whole trip was fantastic – a dream come true! Next year my parents are taking me to Croatia where Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again was filmed.        5) ..........           6) ..........            7) .......... 

Slide 35 - Open question

EX14: Write at least 5 to 10 sentences about your favourite films:


Slide 36 - Open question

EX15: Make a list of the top three film locations you would like to visit:

1) …………………………………………                3) ………….……………………………
2) ………………………………….……

Slide 37 - Open question

EX16: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between two and five words including the word in CAPITALS:

1 I've seen nearly all of the James Bond films. ONE
    I've seen ……………………………………… the James Bond films.
2 I saw the first Harry Potter film, but I haven't seen any of the others. OTHER
    I saw the first Harry Potter film, but I haven't seen ………………………… .

Slide 38 - Open question

3 I think each of Pirates of the Caribbean movies is worth seeing.  EVERY
    I think ………………………………… Pirates of the Caribbean movies is worth seeing.
4 I saw the film twice and I enjoyed it each time.  BOTH
    I saw the film twice and I enjoyed it ………………………………… .

Slide 39 - Open question

5  I've never found a film that is fun for all the family.  WHOLE
    I've never found a film that is fun ………………………………… .
I'd like to see Mission Impossible in a different cinema – a bigger one.  ANOTHER
I'd like to see Mission Impossible ……………………………… – a bigger one.

Slide 40 - Open question

EX17: Write down the numbers of the sentences in EX16 that are true for you:
Numbers: ………………………………………

Slide 41 - Open question

EX18: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets [tussen haakjes]. Use up to five words in each gap:
1   On arrival yesterday, visitors …………………… (be/give) a guided tour of the movie set.
 You are reminded that taking photographs …………………… (be/strict/forbid).
 Quiet please! Are you going to …………………… (chat/another) during the whole visit?
4   Most people enjoyed the experience, but I …………………… (be/bitter/disappoint).

Slide 42 - Open question

5   One person thought the guide was so amusing that he …………………… (keep / roar / laughter).
6   At the end, …………………… (almost / every) the visitors gave the guide a tip.
7   My brother and I love films. …………………… (both / we / go) to the cinema as often as we can.
8   The last film I saw was so sad. At the end everybody …………………… (burst / tears).
9   I was wondering whether you …………………… (able / come) tomorrow.


Slide 43 - Open question