5.3 The eye

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ScienceMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 33 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 3 videos.

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

Your phone rings. The sound of the phone ringing is a stimulus.
Sensory receptors in your ear receive the sound and change it into nerve impulses.
The nerve impulses travel along neurons to your brain: you become aware of your phone ringing.
The brain sends its own nerve impulses along other neurons to your arm muscle.
Your arm muscle contract and you pick up the phone = response. Your muscles are called effectors because they make the response possible.

Slide 2 - Drag question

5.3 the eye
In this section you will answer:

What are the parts of your eye?
What do the parts of your eye do to help you see?
How can vision problems be corrected?

Slide 3 - Slide

Zorg dat de juiste onderdelen van de buitenkant van het oog op de juiste plek komen te staan.
Bovenste ooglid: beschermt het oog tegen uitdroging, fel licht en voorwerpen die niet in het oog horen.
Oogwit: ookwel het harde oogrok genoemd, biedt stevigheid aan het oog.
Pupil: kan groter en kleiner worden door spiertjes in de iris. Hierdoor wordt de hoeveelheid licht die het oog binnenkomt geregeld.
Wimpers: zorgen ervoor dat stofdeeltjes niet je ogen in komen.
Onderste ooglid: beschermt het oog tegen uitdroging, fel licht en voorwerpen die niet in het oog horen.
Traanbuis: deze buis voert het traanvocht af naar de neusholte.
Wenkbrauw: zorgt ervoor dat zweet, vuil en andere deeltjes niet het oog in komen.
Iris: door pigment wordt de kleur van de iris bepaald. Ook zorgen de spiertjes van de iris dat de pupil groter en kleiner kan worden.

Slide 4 - Drag question

What are the names of these parts of the eye?

Slide 5 - Drag question

Hieronder staan vijf delen van het oog van de mens. Door welke van de genoemde delen gaan de lichtstralen achtereenvolgens voordat ze impulsen in het oog kunnen veroorzaken?
vitreous body

Slide 6 - Drag question

Outside anatomy
Eye is protected by:

(eye socket)

Slide 7 - Slide

The eye
  • Eyebrow (wenkbrauw): Protects the eye against sweat and other liquids (vloeistoffen)
  • Eyelashes (wimpers): protects the eye against dirt and bright light
  • Sclera (harde oogvlies): white of the eye. The eye muscles are attached to the sclera
  • Pupil: The pupil lets light into the eye.

Slide 8 - Slide

Eye muscles (oog spieren): they move the eye 

Cornea (hoorvlies): The iris and the pupil are covered by the transparent cornea.

Iris: The coloured part of the eye

Eye muscles

Slide 9 - Slide

The wall of an eye consists of three layers:
Sclera: white of the eye, protects, shape, move
Retina (netvlies): Contains sensory cells.
Optic nerve: transmits the impulses to the brain.
Fovea (gele vlek): Where you see most sharply
Blind spot (blinde vlek): there are no sensory cells on the blind spot

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Cross-section of the eye
Tear glands (traanklieren): produce tears

 Vitreous body (glasachtig lichaam): Jelly-like mass

Lens: makes you see sharply

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The Hermann Grid
  • The high contrast black and white areas fool the eyes into perceiving a gray circle at each intersection

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in your retina
- are sensory receptors
- specialised cells
- can receive light and make a nerve impuls

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rods seeing in black and white, need little light
cones seeing in color, need lots of light

The fovea has a lot of cones.

In the blind spot there are no cones and no rods, only your optic nerve.

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Comparing CONES and RODS

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the lens
Als de lens bol is kan je dichtbij scherp zien

Als de lens plat is kan je veraf scherp zien

Accommoderen = scherpstellen

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Need glasses?
Dichtbij onscherp, bolle lens / positieve lens (+)

Veraf onscherp, holle lens / negatieve lens (-)

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Slide 20 - Video

Slide 21 - Link

Slide 22 - Video

Slide 23 - Link

tear gland

Slide 24 - Drag question

A muscle that controls the size of the pupil
Transparent outer part of your eye
Hard structure forming the outside of the eye
Sends electrical impulses from the eye to the brain
Changes size to adjust the amount of light
Changes size to adjust the amount of light
Photosensitive layer of cells at the back of the eye
Fluid that fills the middle of the eye
Optical nerve
Vitreous body

Slide 25 - Drag question

Slide 26 - Video

5 tasks    
 you can use your own plan 
you have to learn about the eye, during the entire time in class

*this lessonup with instructions, is on Itslearning!!!


Slide 27 - Slide

#1: workbook 5.3: make and check individual
#2: two online worksheet  - individual
        *save a print screen of your checked work
#3: cross word puzzle the eye - on paper - duo/pair
#4: biological drawing of the eye: - duo/pair
        *name all the parts + their function
        *rules to make a biological drawing

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Slide 29 - Slide

Slide 30 - Link

Slide 31 - Link

Hand in print screen of checked worksheet #1.

Slide 32 - Open question

Hand in a print screen of checked worksheet #2.

Slide 33 - Open question