You can prepare for the test and correct your own work
You can put a word in the past simple
You can explain the difference between a/an
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Opdracht 1 a. gedrag b. drukte
Opdracht 2 a. appearance b. obstacle course
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Opdracht 3 a. blanket b. unforgettable
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Opdracht 4 a. brain b. counsellor c. rude d. to book
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Opdracht 5 a. mountain b. smart
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Opdracht 1 a. swapped b. expelled c. tried d. showed
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The vs a/an
The --> Specifiek We went to the restaurant my mom told me about.
A/an --> Algemeen I just made a phone call
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Opdracht 2 a. a --> algemeen 'een nieuw huis' beginklank is een medeklinker 'n' b. the --> specifiek, 'the swimming pool in Paris' c. a --> algemeen 'een UFO' Uitzondering: beginklank is 'joe', dus medeklinker
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A / An
A Als de beginklank begint met een medeklinker A call