Periode 4-Week 3

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 100 min

Items in this lesson


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To Do:
  • Grammatica: Present Continuous
  • Business Partner 4.3
  • Pearson: MyEnglishLab
  • Speaking

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Periode 4
- Toets Unit 4         22LEGB: 13 juni 
                                     22LEGA: 14 juni
- Presentatie         22LEGB: 27 juni of 4 juli
                                     22LEGA: 28 juni of 5 juli

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Business Partner
Unit 4: Travelling for work

You should be able to write an update email about work you're doing now.

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Present Continuous
  • Tegenwoordige tijd: dingen die op dit moment aan de gang zijn of tijdelijk zijn.
I am working at home today.
He is waiting for the delivery at the moment.
They are giving a presentation right now.

  • Toekomende tijd: afspraken in de toekomst die vast staan.
I am meeting the team later.
She is visiting the Paris office on Monday.
We are renting a car next week.

Exercise: Make the present continuous. You can use the short form or the longer form. For example, 'she's' or
'she is'. 


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1. She's going home now.
2. I'm reading a great book.
3. She isn't washing her hair.
4. Is the cat chasing mice?
5. Is she crying?
6. He isn't studying Latin.
7. Are we driving to London?
8. Are they watching TV?
9. Where is she going now?
10. I'm not leaving now.
11. You aren't running.
12. Why is he leaving?
13. How am I travelling?
14. It isn't raining.
15. When are we arriving?
16. Where are they staying?
17. It's raining.
18. She's coming at six.
19. He's watching a film at the moment.
20. We aren't sleeping.

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Business Partner-Exercises
  • Exercise 1: Match each sentence with the correct place on the world map.
  • Exercise 2A: Alicia is a Project Manager for World Computer Solutions based in Ireland. Read three emails from her colleagues. Answer the questions.
  • Exercise 2B: Complete the beginning and ending of email 3. Use ideas from email 1 or 2.
  • Exercise 2C: Read Alicia's replies to her team. Write the name of the person in each email.
  • Exercise 3A:Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
  • Exercise 3B: Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs .
  • Exercise 3C: Match the answers with the questions from Exercise 3B.
  • Exercise 4: Alicia is writing an update email to her boss Veronika in Zurich. Imagine you are Alicia. Use the information from the emails from page 42 to write your email.
  • Finished? >  MyEnglishLab: Vocabulary exercise 1-2-3-4 / Reading-Listening 1-3 / Grammar 1-5 / Writing 1-3

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Finish:  Unit 4.3 exercise 1-4
                MyEnglishLab   - Vocabulary 1-2-3-4
                                                 - Grammar exercise 1-5
                                                 - Reading & Listening exercise 1-3
                                                 - Writing exercise 1-3

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