3.3 Absolutism (HAVO)

3. The Time of Regents and Monarchs
3. Absolutism

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HistoryMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 23 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 4 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

3. The Time of Regents and Monarchs
3. Absolutism

Slide 1 - Slide

Slide 2 - Slide

Main Questions

  1. What is absolutism?
  2. How does mercantilism work?

Slide 3 - Slide

people in this lesson
Johan de Witt
Willem III
Michiel de Ruyter
king Louis XIV

Slide 4 - Slide

Word Duty


Absolutism: a system in which a king has absolute power 

Divine right of kings: claim by an absolute monarch that he is made king to carry out God's will

Mercantilism: an economic system in which a country focuses on its own economy and in which 
export is very important 

import: bring products into the country to be sold

export: send products to other countries to be sold

Slide 5 - Slide

Louis XIV 

After years of ruling together with his chief minister, the French king, Louis XIV, astonished his court in 1661 by declaring that he would from now on rule alone. 
Louis XIV did have a small counsel of high ministers from whom he took advice. He could call or dismiss his ministers at will, listen to their advice or disregard it. When a king has absolute power, we call this absolutism. This meant that Louis took every important decision in France by himself. Louis XIV, as every other king in Europe at that time, believed in the divine right of kings: he claimed that he was made king by God to carry out God's will. During his reign, Louis XIV turned France into a centralised state that was governed from his palace in Versailles.

king Louis XIV

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Slide 7 - Slide

inside Versailles: the Hall of Mirrors
next slide: watch the animation about the development of Versailles

Slide 8 - Slide

Slide 9 - Video

Use your notebook. Make a schematic like you see below.
Go to this website of the palace of Versailles. 
Write Louis XIV agenda for the next Wednesday. Start by his awakening and end by when he goes to bed.

Slide 10 - Slide

1. Explain the connection between the keywords "absolutism" and "divine right of kings"

Slide 11 - Open question

Slide 12 - Video

Louis XIV

  • He became king at the age of four.
  • He married a Spanish princess who was his first cousin
  • He built the extravagant palace of Versailles
  • He is known as the Sun King. His best known quote: "The state, that's me!"
  • he took away the right of worship from French Protestants
  • The American state Louisiana was named in his honor.

Slide 13 - Slide

2. Put the events in the correct chronological order
Louis XIV started to rule as an absolute king
J. v Oldenbarnevelt executed
the WIC is established.
The Twelve Years' Truce is signed
The Peace of Münster is signed
The VOC is established

Slide 14 - Drag question


Because of the many wars it waged in the seventeenth century, France was almost at the point of bankruptcy. Louis XIV appointed Jean-Baptist Colbert as controller of financial affairs and ordered him to improve the finances of France. Colbert introduced a new economic system, called mercantilism. He suggested that for a country to become more powerful it must get as much gold and silver as it can. To do this that country must export more than it imports
If that is the case the country has a favorable balance of trade and thus makes a profit.
Raw materials (like silver, tobacco, spices) from the colonies (= import) were taxed, so the colonists made less profit and France made more profit.
Then France turned these raw material into products and sold them back to the colonies (= export) with profit. At the same time the colonies were not allowed to turn the raw materials into products themselves. They were forced to send the raw materials to the mother country (France). Colonies were also forbidden to trade raw materials or products with each other. The extra gold and silver France received from its export turned it into a wealthy nation once again.
Watch one or both of the next 2 videos that explain mercantilism....


Slide 15 - Slide

Slide 16 - Video

Slide 17 - Video

3a) Which of the following best describes the term "mercantilism"?
an political system in which a country focuses on its own economy and in which import is very important
an economic system in which a country focuses on its own government and in which export is very important
an economic system in which a country focuses on its own economy and in which import is very important
an economic system in which a country focuses on its own economy and in which export is very important

Slide 18 - Quiz

3b) a favorable balance of trade means:
import > export
export > import

Slide 19 - Quiz

3c) Explain that mercantilism is the opposite of commercial capitalism, used in the Dutch Republic

Slide 20 - Open question

Summary Lesson 3.3

Slide 21 - Slide

Anything not clear for you?
Write down your question here.

Slide 22 - Open question


Slide 23 - Slide