V5B_week 37_vocab/grammar/speaking and writing skills

Today's class
You will ...
Review grammar units 1 & 2 (present simple; present continuous)
Better understand a current news article (reading comprehension)
(If time, work on HW next week: New grammar units 3 & 4  - past simple, present perfect, past continuous, past perfect)

Words in Progress Units 5/6/7/8 (HW Tue. Sept. 19th)

Grammar in Progress (Wed. Sept. 20th):
Unit 3 & 4 - all exercises, first 15 sentences of each
Study irregular verbs p. 172 + 173

1 / 24
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo lwoo, havoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 24 slides, with text slides and 2 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Today's class
You will ...
Review grammar units 1 & 2 (present simple; present continuous)
Better understand a current news article (reading comprehension)
(If time, work on HW next week: New grammar units 3 & 4  - past simple, present perfect, past continuous, past perfect)

Words in Progress Units 5/6/7/8 (HW Tue. Sept. 19th)

Grammar in Progress (Wed. Sept. 20th):
Unit 3 & 4 - all exercises, first 15 sentences of each
Study irregular verbs p. 172 + 173

Slide 1 - Slide

Past Simple 
Regular = verb + ED
Irregular = 2nd form
Question = did + verb/1st form (Did you ring you last night?)
Negative sentence = didn't + verb/1st form (He didn't ring me)

Use: for actions that are finished, in the past

  • When = important AND mentioned
  • Action is finished

Signal words:
when, then, ago, last week/night/year etc.
in 2019, during the Middle Ages etc.
Past Continuous
was/were + verb + ing
was= he/she/it; were= I/you/we/they
Question = Was/were + subject + verb + ing (Were they eating?)
Negative = wasn't/weren't + verb + ing (They weren't eating.)

Use: to talk about something going on for a longer period of time in the past:

  • Two longer actions going on simultaneously in the past
(She was watching TV while he was doing the dishes.)
  • One longer action already going on and interrupted by the shorter action (=past simple)
(I was walking home when you called me.)
  • Descriptive use: The sun was shining and the birds were chirping: it was a lovely day!

Signal words: while, when

Slide 2 - Slide

The Guardian news article

Slide 3 - Slide

Past Simple 
Regular = verb + ED
Irregular = 2nd form
Question = did + verb/1st form (Did you ring you last night?)
Negative sentence = didn't + verb/1st form (He didn't ring me)

Use: for actions that are finished, in the past

  • When = important AND mentioned
  • Action is finished

Signal words:
when, then, ago, last week/night/year etc.
in 2019, during the Middle Ages etc.
Present Perfect
has/have + 3rd form (participle)
has = he/she/it; have = I/you/we/they
Question = has/have + 3rd form (Have you ever eaten snails?)
Negative = hasn't/haven't + 3rd form (I have never eaten them.)

Use: to talk about result, experience, how long sth. has been going on (not finished), recent actions

  • When = NOT important 
  • Focus is on result/experience
  • Action started in the past AND 
is still going on / OR has only just finished

Signal words:
never, ever, always, so far, since, for, just,
yet, up to now, recently, 

Slide 4 - Slide

Past Simple 
Regular = verb + ED
Irregular = 2nd form
Question = did + verb/1st form (Did you ring you last night?)
Negative sentence = didn't + verb/1st form (He didn't ring me)

Use: for actions that are finished, in the past

  • When = important AND mentioned
  • Action is finished

Signal words:
when, then, ago, last week/night/year etc.
in 2019, during the Middle Ages etc.
Past Perfect
Had+ 3rd form (participle)
Question = had + 3rd form (Had you ever eaten snails before you met him?)
Negative = No, I hadn't

Use: to talk about an earlier event in the past

  • An action took place before another action in the past

Signal words:
before, after

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Slide

Past Simple 
Regular = verb + ED
Irregular = 2nd form
Question = did + verb/1st form (Did you ring you last night?)
Negative sentence = didn't + verb/1st form (He didn't ring me)

Use: for actions that are finished, in the past

  • When = important AND mentioned
  • Action is finished

Signal words:
when, then, ago, last week/night/year etc.
in 2019, during the Middle Ages etc.
Present Perfect
has/have + 3rd form (participle)
has = he/she/it; have = I/you/we/they
Question = has/have + 3rd form (Have you ever eaten snails?)
Negative = hasn't/haven't + 3rd form (I have never eaten them.)

Use: to talk about result, experience, how long sth. has been going on (not finished), recent actions

  • When = NOT important 
  • Focus is on result/experience
  • Action started in the past AND 
is still going on / OR has only just finished

Signal words:
never, ever, always, so far, since, for, just,
yet, up to now, recently, 

Slide 7 - Slide

  1. Why does the author say “American exceptionalism strikes again” in the first paragraph?
  2. What does the word collective refer to in the phrase “collective bowel dysfunction problems” ? (first paragraph)
  3. Which synonym for “laxative” is used in the article?
  4. Why do we know more about women and stomach issues according to the writer (2 things)?
  5. Why is food a “culprit” when it comes to bowel (gut) problems? Explain the word culprit and state what makes food a culprit.
  6. What kind of “guru” is Gwyneth Paltrow according to the writer of the article?
  7. What advice does the Guardian columnist give to people who have stomach problems?
  8. Give the English definition of the following words:
Ubiquitous = 
Flatulence =
Kale = 
Complacency = 

Slide 8 - Slide

Key to news article questions
  1.  Because taking laxatives (up to the degree of shortage) is not the norm/normal thing to do
  2. The bowel problems of Americans
  3. Stool softener
  4.  More likely to have an eating disorders + More open to talking about problems
  5.  Culprit = the bad guy; the thing that is to blame for something
  6. Crap food is convenient, cheap and tasty
  7. The kind of guru that recommends “weird” food/food that is hard to come by to become healthy
  8. Go see the doctor
Convenient = suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty
Ubiquitous = widespread/everyone has it
Flatulence = the expulsion of gas from the intestines via the anus (farting)
Kale = A curly, leafy green cabbage that the Dutch use with mashed potatoes (boerenkool)
Complacency = a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder

Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Video

Give the missing forms

Now write a short detective story with the above verbs (and more!) with your classmate (half a page)
  1. Add more irregular verbs! 
  2. Use the past simple
  3. Use the past continous
  4. Use the present perfect

Slide 11 - Slide

The Environment/climate - problems
Use the following words to give your opinion on the climate and the environment. Talk to a classmate for 2 min. Then take turns.

  1. Carbon footprint (to reduce our...)
  2. Natural resources
  3. Fossil fuels
  4. Activists
  5. Reusable 
  6. Ecosystem
  7. Drought
  8. Famine
  9. Increased precipitation (floods)
  10. Tsunami
  11. Eroded (erosion)
  12. Species (to grow/become extinct)

Slide 12 - Slide

Irregular verbs 

-> https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/irregular-verbs
(sometimes 2 verbs are given: use the one before the comma)

Slide 13 - Slide

The Environment/climate - solutions
Use the following words to suggest solutions to help the environment.  Talk to a classmate for 2 min. 

  1. Carbon footprint (to reduce our...)
  2. Harvests
  3. Windfarms
  4. Biodegradable detergents
  5. Street litter
  6. Recycling
  7. Organic material
  8. Natural habitat (restore natural habitats of ...)
  9. Marine life (Reduce the plastic soup in the ocean to preserve marine life)
  10. Sustainable development
  11. Protect/increase biodiversity

Slide 14 - Slide

Speaking activity II
WATCH a video on Boyan Slat & TAKE NOTES!

Talk in pairs about Boyan Slat and his initiative to clean up the ocean: what does he do, why, how.

Use words such as:
pollution of the ocean
plastic waste
saving the species in the ocean
future generations

Slide 15 - Slide

Irregular verbs
To forget / forgot / forgotten

1e vorm = To forget = Infinitive (hele ww)

2e vorm = Forgot = Past Simple 

3e vorm = Forgotten = Past Participle (voltooid deelwoord)  
(e.g. has never forgotten/ had forgotten)

Slide 16 - Slide

Slide 17 - Slide

Present  Simple 
he/she/it -> verb + S;
 I/you/we/they -> verb

Question = does + verb 1st form/infinitive (he, she, it); 
do + verb first form/infinitive (I, you, we, they)
Negative sentence = don't + verb; doesn't + verb

  • General facts (NOT right now or duration) (She loves poetry)
  • Things that happen repeatedly (Each Tuesday we swim in the lake)
  • Time conjunctions (Before he leaves, he will call you)

Signal words:
always, sometimes, often, frequently
Time conjunctions: 
before, after, until etc.
Present Continuous
he/she/it -> is + verb + ing
I -> am + verb + ing
we/they/you -> are + verb + ing

Question= is/am/are + personal pronoun + verb + ing 
(Are you calling him?)
Negative = isn't/am not/aren't  + verb + ing

  • Happening right now (and for a certain limited period)
  • Is happening in the near future (in your agenda)
  • Irritation

Signal words:
always (irritation); right now, look, listen, at the moment, currently, at present
next week/this afternoon/tonight = near future

Slide 18 - Slide

Present  Simple 

Verbs relating to senses or feelings are called static verbs as they describe a state of being. These verbs are only used in the present simple:


Slide 19 - Slide

Slide 20 - Link

Slide 21 - Link

Slide 22 - Video

Asking questions
who/whose (=wiens, van wie)/ which/when/why/how = interrogative pronouns
which = choice between a limited number (often 2)
what -> what time is it? = hoe laat is het?

Asking questions in the present simple, past simple, present perfect:
  • Do + 1st form/hele ww -> present simple (I, you, we, they)
  • Does + 1st form/hele ww -> present simple (he/she/it = shit rule)
  • Did + 1st form -> past simple (all personal pronouns = I, you, he, she etc.)
  • Has + 3rd form -> present perfect (he/she/it)
  • Have + 3rd form -> present perfect (I/you/we/they)

Slide 23 - Slide

Table of English tenses
Werkwoord tijden in Engels in de volgende slide/weblink

Progressive = Continuous,  bijv. Present Progressive = Present Continuous

Simple Past/Past Simple is hetzelfde

Slide 24 - Slide