1.4 The Dutch revolt (part 1)

H1 par 4 The Dutch revolt
Part 1
1 / 25
Slide 1: Slide
GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 25 slides, with text slides and 2 videos.

Items in this lesson

H1 par 4 The Dutch revolt
Part 1

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Learning objectives
Explanation of the material
Learning objectives

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What you will learn
In this paragraph, you'll learn,

  • How the Dutch became dissatisfied with the politics of their rulers
  • How the Dutch rebelled against their ruler

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Slide 4 - Video

What do you already know about the Dutch Revolt?

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The Netherlands 

The Netherlands consisted of 17 provinces (gewesten), each with its own duke or count.
- Between 1515 and 1543 it was  under the leadership of Charles V.
- As duke or count, Charles held the highest power, sovereignty, everywhere, but that did not mean he could decide everything freely

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- He had to take the rights of his subjects into account.

Each province had its own rules, laws, and taxes, as well as its own government: The States.
In this, cities, nobility, and clergy from the province were represented.
The cities had a lot of independence with their city rights.

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Charles V governed the Netherlands from Brussels, but he was also the Emperor of Germany and King of Spain, and often on the move to wage war.

For relations with the provinces, he appointed a high nobleman as his representative: the stadtholder.

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State formation and centralisation 
Charles worked on state formation and centralization in the Netherlands.
He wanted to increase taxes for wars and palaces.
But who should pay the taxes?

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All this led to an increase in dissatisfaction in the provinces and cities. 

Nobles and citizens did not want to give up their rights and prosperity.
They also wanted to keep their protestant religion. 

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Philip II 
  • In 1555 Charles V was succeeded  by his son Philip II.
  •  Philip charged even higher taxes. 
  • He also continued the persecution of the Protestants. 
  • The ruthless way in which he did this was too much for many Dutch nobles.

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The Revolt against Spain 
  • In 1559, Philip II left for Spain.
  • As soon as he left, the protests increased. 
  • Philip was no longer able to trust his substitutes. For example, William of Orange, the stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht.
    Willem was in favour of freedom of religion and wanted to allow Protestantism .

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Petition of the nobles 
  • In 1566, hundreds of low nobles went to Brussels and asked Margaret to stop persecuting the Calvinists. 
  • She promised to temporarily stop the persecutions. 
  • The Calvinists now started holding hedge sermons: open air church services outside of the cities. 

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Slide 16 - Video

rest of the lesson
This week part 1, in week 2 f 2025 part 2 

Go and work on your tasks 

Next week: SO 2.3 t/m 2.5 & standplaatsgebondenheid.

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The iconoclastic fury 1566
- Door de hagenpreken werden mensen aangezet de relikwieën te vernielen
- Overal in NL bestormden protestanten katholieke kerken en vernielde alle versieringen
- Toen Filips dit hoorde was hij woedend
- Hij stuurde de gevreesde hertog van Alva naar de Nederlanden

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- De hertog van Alva trok met een groot leger richting de Nederlanden
- Hij vormde een speciale rechtbank, en legde doodstraf op aan honderden calvinisten
- Alva wilden de Nederlanders gehoorzaam maken met terreur (schrikbewind): een bestuur dat zijn onderdanen bang maakt met geweld

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- Bloedraad
- Tienduizenden mensen sloegen op de vlucht
- Ook Willem van Oranje vluchtte naar Duitsland
- In Duitsland zette hij een leger op de been en viel twee jaar later 1968 de Nederlanden binnen
- De oorlog tegen Spanje was nu begonnen (Tachtigjarige Oorlog / De Opstand)

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- Alva sloeg Willem van Oranje terug
- Hij moest zich terugtrekken in Duitsland
- Alva dacht onverslaanbaar te zijn
- Maar zo bleef het niet...

Wordt vervolgt 

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In deze paragraaf leer je...

- Hoe de Nederlanders ontevreden werden over de politiek van hun vorsten
- Hoe de Nederlanders in opstand kwamen tegen hun vorst

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