2025 IDU: My identity in a suitcase 1

Google doc. para MYP2
  • ¿Quién  el voluntario de hoy para tomar notas? / who is going to volunteer to take notes today? Aquí

  • Do you have all the materials?
Hoy es cuatro de febrero de dos mil veinticinco
Kayden y Liza
Adam y Milana
Rhea y Mark
Jules y Abigail
Toya y Amena 
Daphne y Osher
Sakuna y Lyze
Noa y Ella R. 
Margot, Ella y Noga
Teachers desk
1 / 23
Slide 1: Slide
SpaansMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 23 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Google doc. para MYP2
  • ¿Quién  el voluntario de hoy para tomar notas? / who is going to volunteer to take notes today? Aquí

  • Do you have all the materials?
Hoy es cuatro de febrero de dos mil veinticinco
Kayden y Liza
Adam y Milana
Rhea y Mark
Jules y Abigail
Toya y Amena 
Daphne y Osher
Sakuna y Lyze
Noa y Ella R. 
Margot, Ella y Noga
Teachers desk

Slide 1 - Slide

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My Feed Cycle - Reflexionamos
                                      Click here                  My Feed Cycle 

1. Use MY FEED CYCLE form to explain what your next steps are regarding the feedback given. 
2. Make a copy of the form and save it in your own device, you will use it again for the next formative. 
3. Once filled in go to MB>Portfolio> Post reflection (tip>save only the link to your document)
4. Upload a copy of the document to MB. Your teacher has opened a Dropbox for this purpose. 

Slide 2 - Slide

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Guidelines/tips to prepare the for the summative A
1. Revise the LessonUps used in class and if needed do again the activities. 
2. Revise the notes that you have taken in class (your yellow notebook).
3. Revise the Google document that we all share: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CXxAZ73wJDyRirrQTZH48m5LBaUrWnWv8y2BMJTmZuQ/edit?tab=t.0 
Do not forget to bring your laptop fully charged
Bring your headphones

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IDU: My identity in a suitcase

"A creative composition can express messages related to personal and cultural identity"

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Esta imagen hay que cambiarla. 
Purpose of this unit
At the end of this project, you will be able to creatively introduce yourself giving personal information in the target language. 
ATL: You will create a plan to create your video.

Slide 5 - Slide

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 You are traveling to a country where nobody knows you and where they only speak the language you are learning at school. 

One way you could show them who you are could be to open a suitcase and pull out  A WORK OF ART (an identity sculpture) that represent you, your most significant character traits and your personal preferences, while you explain each in either French, Spanish or German.

Slide 6 - Slide

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You can do it!
Here is when learning the knowledge and skills of two subjects can come in handy! 
This is what we call interdisciplinary learning.

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End products

  • Video: You will create a 2-3 minutes long video in which you express your personal and cultural identity by using elements of the two subjects involved in this IDU.  Spanish/French or German AND Visual Arts. 
  • You will upload you video to a Google Drive.  

  • Report: You will write a report that is structured following certain criteria. For each criteria you will get some guiding questions. You will get info about this later.

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El vídeo
In the video, you need express the following elements of your identity:

  • Name, age, birthday, origin, nationality, culture and gender. (DONE!)
  • Show and talk about at least two artefacts that show what you like, such as art, sport or any other activities or hobbies. (Let us work on this one) 

We have a check list!

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Inquiry questions
What forms of communication can be used to express different aspects of identity?

How can I define identity?
How can I express my identity through visual arts?
How is art an expression of identity?

Do I need a cultural identity?

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Interdisciplinary criteria
In short: Knowledge and skills from both disciplines

In short: The product itself

Explaining your new interdisciplinary understanding


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You will do two ATL formative activities: (one Communication + one Transfer skill). The goal is that these skills help you write the report. 


 A Summative Report: you follow guiding questions that address all the three interdisciplinary criteria (note that the product only addresses one strand of one criteria). 

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When and where
  • The due date to submit your video is the 13th February.
  • Both formative and summative will be completed at the same time on 28th of February.
  • All teachers involved in the IDU will be off meetings and lessons to assist and give feedback to students as they complete the report. 

Students upload their reports on that day to a google classroom (you will get the link to it later)

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What is backwards planning?

Slide 14 - Open question

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Slide 15 - Link

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Backwards planning
Draw in your notebook a timeline as this one.

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Let's apply this approach to our own 'destination'
  1.  What is your end goal (destination)? How do you know when you've reached it? 
  2. What is your starting point? (What do you have so far?
  3. Identify the steps you need to take to get from your starting point to your destination (you'll need to think about all the things you need in your summative!)
  4. Now look at your calendar and schedule each step from the end goal (so work backwards!). Read it forwards - will you meet the deadline in an efficient and effective way?

Look at the example on the next slide...

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Homework for next class:
Complete your own backwards planning
You can use the check list to help you

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What skills and/or language from Unit 1 will you need in this summative task?

Slide 21 - Mind map

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What do you need to learn/revise in order to be able to present an object from your country in Spanish?

Slide 22 - Open question

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After this lesson I want to...
revise the lesson at home again
get more examples from the teacher
do more exercises
watch more explanatory videos
move on to the next topic

Slide 23 - Poll

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