W8L2 A Series of Unfortunate Events

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This lesson contains 31 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

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       Ga op je plekje zitten
       Doe je jas uit
       Telefoon én oortjes in je zakkie en in je tas
       Tas op de grond 
       Kauwgum uit 

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1. Ga op je vaste plek zitten 
2. pak je laptop + werkboek stepping stones + leesboek +  etui + telefoon in je zakkie 

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We hebben respect voor elkaar 

We houden ons aan de afspraken die we met elkaar maken

Als we over de streep gaan, praten we daarover

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  • Be on time!
  • Only one person speaks at a time.
  • You participate actively in every lesson.
  • Do your homework and bring the material. 
  • Raise your hand if you have a question.
  • Be mindful 
  • No bullying or laughing at each other's mistakes 
  • Communicate 
What do I expect from you?

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  • Be mindful: 
  • Be careful how you say something, think twice! What is normal for you might not be normal for another person
  • Communicate:
  • You are allowed to make mistakes, but talk to me if you do. 
  • Let me know what is going on, come to me before class or send me a message in Teams. 
What do I expect from you?

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1. Ga op je vaste plek zitten 
2. pak je laptop + leesboek +  etui + telefoon in je zakkie 

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We hebben respect voor elkaar 

We houden ons aan de afspraken die we met elkaar maken

Als we over de streep gaan, praten we daarover

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Lesson goals
At the end of this class I ...
  • I can describe what happens in chapter 10 & 11
  • I can describe what characters and protagonists are. 

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PO: boekopdracht
1) book report in class on February 18th (Tuesday). 
2) creative assignment that you make at home. 
Deadline: March 7th at 23.59 PM (Thursday)
You hand it in via Somtoday inleveropdrachten. 

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1. Book report
  • In class, you are going to write a summary of the book.
  • You will have to answer a number of questions about the book. You are allowed to prepare for this, and bring your book to class.
  • But you can only do the assignment on that day, in class.
  • This is 50% of your final assignment and grade. 

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2. Creative assignment
1) Pick one activity to do: interview, moodboard (collage), playlist
2) Pick one task : describe a problem and solution OR write a letter to the author 
  • Each project must be neat and organized. 
  • All writing should be typed. I am primarily interested in how you make connections to the book. 

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What is plagiarism? (plagiaat)
- Copying text from the internet or another source.
- Copying text from someone else (a classmate, someone from another class, etc.).
- BUT ALSO: copying some words/sentences and writing the rest in your own words.
Any plagiarism will be seen and result in a 1 with fraud.

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Goal 1: 

I can describe what happens in chapter 10 & 11. 

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What is Violet's plan to help Sunny (be detailed!!)?

Slide 16 - Open question

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What did the parents of the Baudelaire children tell Violet?

Slide 17 - Open question

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What does Violet find on the tower?
another hook
her locked up sister Sunny
a bird cage without her sister
a spider

Slide 18 - Quiz

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Describe the personality of one of the characters.

Slide 19 - Open question

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What is the connection between the eye on the painting and the hook man?

Slide 20 - Open question

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Goal 2: 

I can describe what characters and protagonists are. 

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Antagonist vs. protagonist
Most important terms:
Main (protagonist) 
Bad guy (antagonist

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Which protagonists or antagonists do you know? 

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Flat - Does not change (usually most side ch.), has one/two characteristics that are overused. 
Round - A layered character that goes through transformation. Has multiple characteristics. 

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Can you name a flat and a round character in the book? 

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Prepare to take notes!
Open your JDW map and close your laptops!

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Antagonist vs. protagonist
Most important terms:
Main (protagonist) 
Bad guy (antagonist

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Flat - Does not change (usually most side ch.), has one/two characteristics that are overused. 
Round - A layered character that goes through transformation. Has multiple characteristics. 

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Fill in the worksheet you were given about characters. 

Use your notes! 

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Let's read chapter 12 together 

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Have you achieved the goals (on a scale from 1-5) and why/why not? 

At the end of this class I ...

1. I can describe what happens in chapter 10 & 11. 

2. I can describe what characters and protagonists are. 

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8. Afsluiting
De docent controleert in de slotfase van de les of de leerdoelen door alle leerlingen behaald zijn en plaatst de les in de context van de betreffende Unit. De docent evalueert samen met de leerlingen het leren en het gedrag op basis van het Learner Profile en de ATL-skills. Dit wordt vastgelegd in Toddle. Samen blikken docent en leerlingen vooruit aan de hand van de JdW-planner.