TL1 BBC News Round (finishing Unit 1, lesson 5)

TL1 BBC News Round (finishing Unit 1, lesson 5)
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 15 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

TL1 BBC News Round (finishing Unit 1, lesson 5)

Slide 1 - Slide

Today's Programme
*Important! Behaviour in classes 
*Watch an episode of: BBC News Round: 'The British version of 'Het Jeugdjournaal'
*Show what you know! 
* Do: exercises in your book 
*Check exercises
*Write down homework

Slide 2 - Slide

Important - Behaviour in class
*Denk aan wat we hebben afgesproken in de introductieweek

* Op vrijdag: -MCT-uur; het uur waarop je normaal gesproken vrij ben, tenzij je een mentorgesprekje hebt ingepland, kun je worden ingepland als je doelbewust je niet aan de regels houdt.

Slide 3 - Slide

Hoe willen we het ook alweer hebben? 
*hier komen de overeengekomen klassenregels uit de introductieweek te staan; 

Slide 4 - Slide

Slide 5 - Link

BBC Newsround 
BBC News Round: We'll watch an episode of BBC Newsround. This is the British version of the news that is especially made for young people. At the end of the episode you need to tell in English or Dutch which news items they talked about.

Bijv: They talked about the Olympic Games and the athletes that won golden medals. 

Bijv: Ze hebben het over de Olympische Spelen gehad en welke atleten er medailles wonnen.  

Slide 6 - Slide

What were the news items about?
Waar gingen de nieuwsberichten over?

Slide 7 - Open question

Tijdens SLB
Maken wij een planning... Hierin plannen we het leerwerk in voor de toetsweek. De voorbeeldplanning is voor het vak Engels. We plannen ook voor de andere vakken het leerwerk in. 

*Tips - leren woordjes: Woorden afdekken, hardop op lezen, overschrijven; 
*Tips - leren zinnen: Zinnen overschrijven, in stukken ophakken.
*Tips - leren grammatica: overlezen + oefenen op 'Versterk Jezelf'

Slide 8 - Slide

In the small practice test (oefentoetsje) for maths, we used a __________(potlood).

Slide 9 - Quiz

I like to 1. __________ to countries all over the world when I am older. My older sister visited 2. __________ last year. She went to Istanbul, the capital city. During the summer 3. _____________(vakantie), we will go to Morocco. This is a beautiful country. It will be the first time I will have tagine. This is a typical Moroccan dish. We will also 4. _____________ in the desert. We will sleep in small houses and stare-gaze during the night.

choose from: speak - holiday - travel - Turkey - stay.

Slide 10 - Open question

Grammar: Use 'am/are/is'. In one sentence, you have to add 'not' to the verb as well.

1.I ________ Mr. Uitslag.
2.Who ________you?
3. I __________ at home now. I am teaching.

1. are 2. am 3. am not
1. am 2. are
1. am 2. are 3. am not
1. am not 2. are not

Slide 11 - Quiz

My father and mother are not that old. 1.___________ are in their thirties. What do 2. ______ think? How old should a person be to have children? My brother and I get along well. 3. ________ sometimes have small fights. But, overall, we always help each other.
Complete the story. Use: I-you-he-she-it-we-you-they

Slide 12 - Open question

Close your laptops please.
Please get your book out... 
Turn to page 36... We are going to check the exercises you did last lesson. 

Slide 13 - Slide

page 37
Do: Exercises 9, 10, 11 
Choose between:
-Exercise 12 ('Challenge' = uitdaging)
-Exercise 13 ('the extra mile = herhaling)

time: __________________

how? Talk to the person sitting next to you (denk aan: Bord, boek - buur - docent) 

-Maak je 'introducing myself assignment' af; 
-Doe iets voor een ander vak
-Oefen op 'Versterk Jezelf' online. 

Slide 14 - Slide

Slide 15 - Slide