Keuzedeel Engels A2/B1 - week 1

Engels keuzedeel A2/B1
Week 1 
1 / 16
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 16 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Engels keuzedeel A2/B1
Week 1 

Slide 1 - Slide

Programme 03-03
1. Schedule Keuzedeel Engels
2. Introduction
3. About the exam: English A2/B1
4. Lesson goals 
5. Homework

Slide 2 - Slide

The focus of every lesson alternates:
1:  speaking
2: speaking / writing
3. writing / reading
4. reading / listening
5. Etc.

Slide 3 - Slide

What do I expect of you:
- presence
- cooperation
- attention / focus
- learning attitude

Slide 4 - Slide

About the exam
English conversation A2:

2 conversations
- meeting at work
- presentation 

both prepared

Slide 5 - Slide

About the exam 2
English writing A2:

2 (probably) tasks like:
- filling in a form
- writing a note

Slide 6 - Slide

About the exam 3
English watching/listening A2:

All kinds of short clips / programmes with questions:
- Computer based
- CE

Slide 7 - Slide

About the exam 4
English reading B1:

All kinds of reading texts with questions
- Computer based
- CE

Slide 8 - Slide

Lesson goal

English conversation - dealing with complaints 

First.... listen to 4 conversations and answer the questions

Slide 10 - Slide

Assignment 1: Listening to conversations
Open this lesson and open the link (slide 8)
Go to teams - lesmateriaal - week 1 - listening four conversations

- preparation
- task 1
- task 2

Tip: look up words you don't know and add them to your word file
Time: 10 minutes

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Link

Assignment 2: Get to know each other
Work in couples 
In couples: getting to know each other
first think of some original questions
Together: introduce your classmate

Tip: look up words you don't know and add them to your word file

Time: 5 minutes

Slide 13 - Slide


- Take a picture of yourself this week and bring it next time to tell about it
- Write it down (full sentences, at least 200 words)
- Think of specific learning goals.

Slide 16 - Slide