Assignment 3 (Part 1A Revision)

Assignment 3 (Part 1A Revision) 
TLevel in Education and Early Years 

Revision session. 
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This lesson contains 15 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Assignment 3 (Part 1A Revision) 
TLevel in Education and Early Years 

Revision session. 

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Aims of the session
All learners will be:
 Given support and feedback for their Task 1a for assignment 3.
Provided examples of Task 1a for assignment 3.
Engage in interactive tasks for assignment 3 part 1a.

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AM session (9 - 12pm)

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For part 1a assignment 3, you was asked to complete observations in your placements based on the brief given you. 
What went well... 

- Observations were completed in 45 minute time constraint. 

- Most observations focused on the area of learning in focus. 

- All observations were kept confidential.

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Writing the aims of the observation 
You should be using a black pen for all written work for your exams (booklet & observations)
Date of Observation: The date it has been completed.
Age of child: Must state how old + months ( 3 years 2 months)
Development / Curriculum links: Area of focus in brief
Place of observation: Your placement name & room.
Time of observation: How long was your obs? 
10am - 10:15am (15 minutes overall) 

The time on your observation should match your evidence, the same time needs to be written on your observation. 

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Writing the aims of the observation 
The aims of the observation
  • This box in your booklet is NOT to write how amazing the type of observation is . 
  • It is also NOT to compare observation methods. 

  • You need to clearly write the aims of the observation using the observation method focusing on the area of development.

The aim of the narrative observation is to record the mathematical development of Child A with a focus on shape, size and measure. The narrative observation will capture a descriptive account of Child A's development.
When given an area of development, you need to plan how each observation method will focus on a different aspect of learning. 
Mathematics: shapes, measure, numbers, sequencing
C&L: attention, understanding, receptive language, expressive language, comprehension. 
Literacy: Writing, reading, phonics, picture association, sequencing stories

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Development Points
  1. You must number all sticky notes in order . (1) (2) .... 
  2. Your stick notes must be glued on to a white paper. No torn paper & no sellotape.
  3. You need to use Child A. 
  4. Your full name, time stamp and date must be on all observations.
  5. You will be given templates for all observation types, there was too many variations. I will upload these. 
  6. Checklist milestones need to have page numbers and age range identified on there. 
  7. You need more detail on your observations, many were brief. 
  8. Try and provide evidence of the children's work from the observation.

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With permission, I am going to show you some examples of work completed by your peers 
Example from a day nursery
Example from a reception class

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The Chief examiners report 2024
  • Learners who achieved the highest marks were able to correctly format their observation in line with the method in question.
  • Being able to identify the area of development correctly through out the observation.
  • Aims needs to be clearly written. 
  • Make sure you stay in line with the area of development in focus on the brief. 
  • Provide commentary examples of children's speech. 
  • Observations need to flow correctly and be factual, limit your self from being overly descriptive about the wrong information.
  • Always focus on the main Child (Child A) in your observation.

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Mark Scheme 2024 
On google classroom (revision classroom). 
I have uploaded the Mark scheme for 2024. 
Can you spend time reading page 4 of 19. 
This is the marking criteria for your observations 
Assignment 3 (part 1a).

Spend time discussing the mark scheme.
Refine your focus on the wording that is used.

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Lets take a look at the exampler for Narrative & Sticky notes. 
Spend time reading and annotating the example narrative and sticky notes. 

Whilst annotating the observation, I would like to use the mark scheme to complete the feedback sheet. 

How many marks would you award for each & why?
What are the positives & key take aways? 
What would you change about the observation and why ?

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Post it notes
In preparation for assignment 3 part 1a. 
You will be required to use a certain type of post it note due to scanning and reading issues.

It is your responsibility to purchase the following by Friday 21st MARCH 2025.
These will need to be confirmed by me prior to use.

You will need pale yellow or pale blue lined post it notes.
Size is : 7.6cm x 7.6 cm  (76mm x 76mm)

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Practice observations 
You will be shown a video of the children. 

I would like you all to complete a narrative observation under exam conditions. 

Step 1 - Write brief notes during the observation. 
Step 2 - Write a full narrative observation. 

I will be looking for everything. 
Name, time stamp, Date. 

Think of this as evidence you would be submitting for your assignment 3 (Part 1a)

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