OW Unit 4: Transport and travel

Unit 4: Transport and travel
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 30 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

Unit 4: Transport and travel

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This unit's objective

This unit is about transport, travel and holiday destinations. . You'll learn new and relevant vocabulary and practise listening  and speaking. Furthermore, you'll practise with Reading and Use of English Part 1. The grammar of unit 4 is about
 countable and uncountable nouns and about articles.

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This period:
  1. Have a look at your study planner.
  2. Bring your English novel to school on Fridays
  3. Every week: learn a unit examenidioom (this will be tested!)
  4. Think about what YOU still need to learn

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Take a piece of paper and write as many of the means of transport that you can remember from the previous slide.
Pay attention to spelling!
Give your paper to your neighbour and check how many words he/she has remembered AND spelled correctly!

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Now, ...
With your neighbour(s): do Vocab ex 3, 4 and 5
 on pages 56 and 57.

Don't check your answers yet, we'll discuss it together.

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Next: Listening page 57
theme park
sharp bends
age restrictions apply.

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Countable nouns
singular  (a, an)                   plural                 (some, any = enkele) 
house                                     houses              Some houses will be built here.
girl                                            girls                    I saw some girls in the playground.
DVD                                          DVDs                  I won't buy any DVDs again.
child                                         children            Have you seen any children?
man                                          men                    
woman                                    women              
The general rule is that any is used for questions and negatives

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Countable nouns
singular  (a, an)                   plural                 many = vele    and      few = weinig
house                                     houses              Many houses will be renovated.
girl                                            girls                    I saw many girls in the playground.
DVD                                          DVDs                  Few DVDs are sold nowadays.
child                                         children            Few children like Brussel sprouts.
man                                          men                    Many men work in construction.
woman                                    women              Few women work in construction.

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Uncountable nouns
- no a or an ( but:  the)                Love, music, hope, furniture
- verbs in the singular                The music is great; 
                                                              His research was thorough.
- some and any in the sing.     There's still some love between them.
                                                              There isn't any hope that they will make up.
- much = veel                                  We've got much homework
- little = weinig                                Fortunately, there's little damage to the car.

Quantity words:      a piece of advice, a small amount of homework


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Turn to page 212: Read the theory and do ex. 1 + 2
Go back to page 58 and 59 and do ex. 1- 5 and Push yourself and do ex. 1 + 2

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With a partner: 
  1. Check the first unit of Examenidioom
  2. Read every sentence and see how the word fits into the sentence (are there any words unfamiliar?).
  3. Write a new sentence with each word.

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Lost cat reunited with family after seven years missing
BBC News
A Glasgow family has been reunited with their cat after he went missing on Boxing Day seven years ago. The family hadn't stopped looking for it ever since.

Grey tabby Kylo followed owner Gavin Hopper outside when he walked his dog in Maryhill Park in December 2017, but Kylo did not return home. Then two weeks ago, Gavin and his wife - Frankie - received a phone call from a vet four miles away in Bishopbriggs, saying the cat had been found alive and well.

Kylo - mistaken for a female and renamed Poppy - had been living with a woman across the city. He has now returned home and settled back in.

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Use of indefinite article a/an
1. With singular, countable nouns mentioned for the first time.
           >  A Glasgow family has been reunited ....
           >  They received a phone call...
           >  Kylo - mistaken for a female and renamed Poppy - had been living with a woman...

2.  When we talk about jobs/ professions.
           > ... received a phone call from a vet ...
           >   the woman, who was a retired teacher, took care of Kylo for seven years.

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Use of definite article the
1.  With things we have mentioned before, or when it's clear from the context.
         >  The family hadn't stopped looking for it ever since.
         > ...saying the cat had been found alive and well.

         > Let's talk about the pink elephant in the room here.

2.  When referring to a particular thing
        > Can you bring me my book? The book with the golden cover? 

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Use of definite article the
3.  With things that are unique.
         >  She is the one that that took care of our cat for seven years.
         >  Trump will become the President of the US once more.
4.  With adjectives to express groups:
         > Why are you so interested in the rich and famous?
5.  With nationalities:
         > The Dutch and the Canadians are great at ice skating.
6.  With superlative adjectives.
        > Elon Musk is the richest and the most controversial man in the wold. 

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Turn to page 213: Read the theory and do ex. 1 + 2
Go back to page 61 and do ex. 1, 2 and 4 .
Do the Reading ex 4, 5 and 6 on page 60.

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Use two compound adjectives to describe these means of transport

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Describe yourself with
4 compound adjectives

Slide 28 - Mind map

Now, ...
Turn to page 62: Vocabulary do ex. 1 - 3
Go back to page 60: do the Reading ex 4, 5 and 6, and the Reading on page 64

Look at units 1 and 6 Examen idioom.

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Real World
p. 66-67

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