2.3 America before Columbus

2.3 America before Columbus
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Slide 1: Slide
GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 18 slides, with interactive quiz, text slides and 2 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

2.3 America before Columbus

Slide 1 - Slide

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What you will learn
In this paragraph, you will learn, 

  • Which types of societies formed in America 
  • Which civilisations there were
  • how Spanish explorers got to know America
  • how the first journey around rhe world  was made 
  • how Spaniards conquerd areas in America
  • how the Spanish conquests took place this quickly 

Slide 2 - Slide

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America before Columbus

Slide 3 - Mind map

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Humans in Alaska 
Via Alaska from Asia. Then spread across the whole continent.

Many different cultures developed

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How the Indians lived 
8000 BC: Agricultural Revolution

3000 BC: First agricultural urban societies

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Three great agricultural urban societies
The Maya in Central America in dozens of city-states.

The Aztec empire in the Valley of Mexico.

The Inca Empire in the Andes mountains in cities.

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more than 1 million inhabitants

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Machu Picchu

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De Aztec Empire 

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Het paleis van de Azteekse leider Montezuma II.
Chinampa's, drijvende tuinen, waar groente op werd verbouwd.
De Templo Mayor, de grote tempel, in het centrum van Tenochtitlan.
De centrale weg die bij de Templo Mayor uitkomt.
Klik op de hotspots van Tenochtitlan

Slide 10 - Slide

Dit is een kijkafbeelding met hotspots. Klik op de hotspots voor meer informatie.

Tijdens het museumprogramma wordt meer verteld over de hoofdstad en centrum van het Azteekse Rijk, Tenochtitlan en het heilige centrum met o.a. de Templo Mayor en het paleis van de heerser Montezuma II. Rondom dit gebied leefden het 'gewone volk' op kleinschalige erven. Zij hadden bijzondere chinampa's, de drijvende landbouwgronden waar de boeren hun gewassen verbouwden.

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animals and plants 
Other animals had developed over millions of years.

Indians cultivated potatoes, tomatoes, and cocoa plants. These plants were still unknown in Europe in the 16th century.

Indians did not know cows and sheep, but they did have llamas and bison.

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 Wat: vul het werkblad in over de indianenstam naar keuze
Hoe: in tweetallen
Tijd: 10/ 15 minuten
Hulp: internet en je boek
Klaar: werk aan je taak van deze week 


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Lets get to work
With workbook: 1 to 5

Without workbook: Explain what life was like in a Maya city.

Creative: Write about your day as if you were a Maya

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What you will learn
In this paragraph, you will learn, 

  • Which types of societies formed in America 
  • Which civilisations there were
  • how Spanish explorers got to know America
  • how the first journey around rhe world  was made 
  • how Spaniards conquerd areas in America
  • how the Spanish conquests took place this quickly 

Slide 17 - Slide

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Doelen van de les
Aan het einde van de week weet je...
-Welke soorten samenlevingen in Amerika ontstonden.
-Welke beschavingen er ontstonden.
-Hoe de natuur in Amerika verschilde van de rest van de wereld.

Slide 18 - Slide

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