JDW week 6/p3

week 6/lesson 1
1 / 47
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo bLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 47 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

week 6/lesson 1

Slide 1 - Slide

climate change
(theme words)

Slide 2 - Mind map

Write a sentence. Include the word PROTEST

Slide 3 - Open question

Write a sentence. Include the word POLLUTE

Slide 4 - Open question

Homework check

I can listen to a fragment and fill in missing words

I can talk about the past (past simple)

*Leerdoelen zijn RTTI geformuleerd (in leerlingentaal).

Slide 5 - Slide


Slide 6 - Slide

Hoe zeg je in het Engels: Ik zag mijn
beste vriendin gisteren.

Slide 7 - Mind map

Hoe praten we over het 
verleden in het Engels

Slide 8 - Slide

blz. 145 - Onregelmatige werkwoorden

Slide 9 - Slide

Aan de slag
Put the verbs in brackets into the Past simple. Underline the  SIGNAL WORDS.You have 8 minutes.

1. I (am)................ in Rotterdam two days ago.
2. She (not- like)............. the movie.
3. Her mother (open) .................... the window last week.
4. The two sisters (play) ................. outside for couple of hours.
5. I (not-invite) .................................... my parents for the party.
6. He (break)................................the window.
7. They (be) ....................... at home one hour ago.
8. She (see) ................. her best friend yesterday.
9. I (talk) …………………………… to him.

Slide 10 - Slide


Do you have any questions?
Do you know how to form the PAST SIMPLE?

Slide 11 - Slide

Begrippen uit deze les
I can talk about the past (past simple)

I can form past simple

Slide 12 - Slide

Schrijf 3 dingen op die
je deze les hebt geleerd

Slide 13 - Open question

Stel 1 vraag over iets dat je
deze les nog niet zo goed hebt begrepen

Slide 14 - Open question

Kijk naar de video (Het huiswerk voor morgen in magister)-extra uitleg over het verleden tijd

Schrijf op je vragen (als je vragen hebt)

Slide 15 - Slide

Slide 16 - Slide

week 6/lesson 2

Slide 17 - Slide

past simple

Slide 18 - Mind map

Homework check

I can talk about the past (past simple + past continuous + present perfect)

*Leerdoelen zijn RTTI geformuleerd (in leerlingentaal).

Slide 19 - Slide

blz. 145 - Onregelmatige werkwoorden

Slide 20 - Slide

Lees grammar 12 nog een keer ( Textbook/blz. 91).
Maak opdrachten 12 en 13 in je Activity boek B op blz. 57,58.

Eerder klaar? Ga naar Stepping stones- slim stampen - H6 - Extra oefen grammar 12

Slide 21 - Slide


Do you have any questions?
Do you know how to talk about the past?
How many 

Slide 22 - Slide

Study: grammar 12/TB/p.91

Oefen: slim stampen- H6- Extra oefen grammar 12 

Slide 23 - Slide



Slide 24 - Slide

week 6/lesson 3

Slide 25 - Slide

3 manieren die wij kunnen gebruiken
om over het verleden te praten
(in het Engels)

Slide 26 - Mind map

Homework check

I can listen/watch to a fragment about Australia and answer different questions

*Leerdoelen zijn RTTI geformuleerd (in leerlingentaal).

Slide 27 - Slide

Homework check
Slim stampen + grammar 12 TALK ABOUT THE PAST

On the next couple of slides :
Past Simple, Past Continuous or Present Perfect ?

Slide 28 - Slide

1. I was sick two weeks ago.
Past simple
Past continuous
Present perfect

Slide 29 - Quiz

2. I have been to Canada before.
Past Continuous
Present perfect
Past simple

Slide 30 - Quiz

3. He was talking on the phone.
Present perfect
Past continuous
Past simple

Slide 31 - Quiz

Drag and drop : Which sentences are in the Past continuous? Which sentences are in the Past simple?

You should have minimum 5 correct out of 7

Slide 32 - Slide

Past simple
Past continuous
I was listening to music.
They were watching a movie.
I spent two days in China.
She was sick yesterday.
Sam saw his brother yesterday.
She washed het hands.
I was not holding my phone.

Slide 33 - Drag question

Luister/kijk naar de video.
Beantwoord de vragen op het lijst!

Welke activiteiten (uit de video over Australië) zou je kiezen om mee te doen en waarom?
Schrijf je antwoord in het Engels of Nederlands. Je hebt 10 min.

Slide 34 - Slide

Slide 35 - Video

What can you tell
about Australia?

Slide 36 - Mind map

Extra oefenen in SLIM STAMPEN -H6- GRAMMAR 12

Slide 37 - Slide

week 6/lesson 4

Slide 38 - Slide

Drag and drop : Which sentences are in the Past continuous? Which sentences are in the Past simple?

You should have minimum 5 correct out of 7

Slide 39 - Slide

Past simple
Past continuous
They were watching a movie.
I was cooking.
Tim went to school last week.
He broke the window.
I saw my grandmother last november.
She wanted to become a doctor.
My brother was playing a video game.

Slide 40 - Drag question

Homework check

I can listen/watch to a fragment about a land and answer different questions

*Leerdoelen zijn RTTI geformuleerd (in leerlingentaal).

Slide 41 - Slide


Slide 42 - Slide

(woordjes in het Engels)

Slide 43 - Mind map

Maak opdrachten 24 + 25 !

Jullie hebben 10 min.
AB/blz. 64

Slide 44 - Slide

Slide 45 - Slide

Slide 46 - Slide

study: TB/Grammar 13

Slide 47 - Slide