2-06 Questions & Negations past simple

The Past simple: Questions & Negations

  • Niet praten wanneer een ander aan het woord is
  • Mobiel staat op stil en blijft in je tas
  • Bij vragen handen opsteken
  • Actief meedoen
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 11 slides, with text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

The Past simple: Questions & Negations

  • Niet praten wanneer een ander aan het woord is
  • Mobiel staat op stil en blijft in je tas
  • Bij vragen handen opsteken
  • Actief meedoen

Slide 1 - Slide

By the end of this class:
  1. You can use questions and negations in the past simple correctly.

Slide 2 - Slide

Lesson plan
  • Exercise look & learn
  • Uitleg questions & negations in past simple
  • Opgave maken
  • PO schrijfopdracht
  • Zelfstandigwerken/mini so

Slide 3 - Slide

Exercise: Look & learn
Listen carefully to the following video.

What: Write the rules for questions and negations in past simple.
Finished?: Discuss this with the person next to you.
Help: Look up grammar 18 & 19 pages 138 & 139
Time: 5 minutes

Slide 4 - Slide

Slide 5 - Video

Rule 1:
could, would
At the beginning of the sentence.
Was your friend happy to see you?

Could you see anything?
Rule 2:
Main verb in sentence.
Extra verb did is added to the beginning.
Did i jump far enough?

Did you finish your homework in time?

Questions in past simple

Slide 6 - Slide

Rule 1:
could, would
Add not or n't behind the verb. 
You were not (weren't) at the game yesterday.

I could not (couldn't) believe we won.
Rule 2:
Main verb in sentence.

Extra verb did not or didn't is added.

He did not (didn't) catch the ball. 

Negations in past simple

Slide 7 - Slide

opgave 54  
1. ______________ (you-could-to tell) me how the game went?

opgave 55
+ Joe had a party last night.

Slide 8 - Slide

What: make exercise 54 & 55, page 139.
How: individual & quiet (stil).
            individual & discuss answers in pairs of 2 (fluistertoon).
Result: present your answer to the class.
Help: book, teacher
Finished?: exercise 57, page 141. 
Time: 10 minutes

Slide 9 - Slide

Wat: PO schrijfopdracht (telt voor een cijfer)
Hoe: Individueel 
Klaar?: Mini so maken/leren of opgave 30b tm 34 maken blz. 122

Slide 10 - Slide

  • How do you form questions and negations in the past?
  • vooruitblik
Niet vergeten:
- Hfd 5 & 6 vocabulaire leren/ mini so
- Grammatica lezen in je boek
                                                          Bedankt voor je inzet &

Slide 11 - Slide