Bruno – he is a 9 year old boy who is very naïve and doesn’t understand what Auschwitz is.
Shmuel – he is exactly the same age as Bruno, they were born on the same day. He is a Jewish boy who is imprisoned in Auschwitz.
Gretel – Bruno’s 12-year-old sister.
Mother – she spends her time looking after the children and managing the house. She doesn’t agree with everything father wants to do for his career, but does go with him to Out-With.
Father/commandant – Bruno’s father is a commanding officer of the Nazi Party. Months before the novel begins he is promoted by Hitler to be the commandant at Auschwitz.
Maria – she is the maid for Bruno’s family.
Pavel – he is an elderly Jewish gentleman who is imprisoned at Out-With.
Lieutenant Kurt Kotler – he is a German soldier who works for Father at the Out-With camp.