Present continuous

- Homework
- How was your holiday?
- Grammar
1 / 24
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, mavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1,2

This lesson contains 24 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

- Homework
- How was your holiday?
- Grammar

Slide 1 - Slide

How was your holiday?

Did you go anywhere this holiday?
What did you do during your holiday?
Is it better to go on holiday abroad or stay in your own country?
What is the best way to travel? By plane, train, bus or car?
What is your best holiday experience?
What is your worst holiday experience?
Is it important to try the local food?
5 minutes, afterwards you should be able to tell what you partner talked about

How much luggage do you usually take with you?
What sort of souvenirs do you like to buy?
How do you feel when you come home after a holiday?
Is it best to travel with friends, family or go solo?
Would you rather stay in a 5-star hotel or on a campsite?
What is the perfect holiday weather?

Slide 2 - Slide

Slide 3 - Slide


Slide 4 - Slide

Present Continuous
iets wat nu / op dit moment aan de gang is.
I                         am walking
he/she/it          is walking
you/we/they   are walking
Signal words
now, at the moment, look .., right now
The pupils are listening to the teacher.

Slide 5 - Slide

Vragen stellen
vragen stellen over iets wat nu / op dit moment aan de gang is.
are                    we             walking?
is                  he/she/it        walking?
are            you/we/they    walking?
Are you watching tv right now?

Slide 6 - Slide

Om aan te geven dat iets nu / op dit moment NIET aan de gang is.
I                         am not walking
he/she/it          is not walking
you/we/they   are not walking
I'm                           not walking
He/she/it                isn't walking
You/we/they         aren't walking
*phone ring* I am not answering the phone.

Slide 7 - Slide

Present continuous
Waar gebruik je de present continuous voor?
Bij gewoonte, feit en regelmaat.
Wanneer iets nu bezig is of aan de gang is.

Slide 8 - Quiz

Present continuous:

Hoe maak je de present continuous?
hele ww+ -ed
shit = hele ww+ -s
vorm van to be (am/are/is) + hele ww+ -ing

Slide 9 - Quiz

Present Continuous:

In welke zin staat in de Present Continuous?
David takes a shower at the moment.
David is taking a shower at the moment.
David has taken a shower at the moment.
David took a shower at the moment.

Slide 10 - Quiz

Wat zijn signaalwoorden van de present continuous?

Slide 11 - Open question

Fill in the present continuous:
She ............ (to walk) at the moment.

Slide 12 - Open question

Fill in the present continuous:
I _________(to live) my best life at the moment.

Slide 13 - Open question

Fill in the Present Continuous
I .... (to think + not) about it.

Slide 14 - Open question

Fill in the present continuous:
Wait, ______ (to lie + you) right now?

Slide 15 - Open question

Fill in the Present Continuous
I .... (to read) the most amazing book at the moment.

Slide 16 - Open question

Fill in the present continuous:
My brother _______ (to travel) through South America right now.

Slide 17 - Open question

Fill in the Present continuous:
The dogs ___ (to eat) their dinner right now.

Slide 18 - Open question

Waar ben je het het meeste mee eens?
Ik snap de Present continuous totaal niet
Ik begin het te begrijpen maar heb nog wel wat meer hulp nodig
Ik begin het te begrijpen maar heb nog wel wat meer oefening nodig
Ik begrijp het voor het grootste gedeelte
Ik snap het helemaal, no problemo

Slide 19 - Poll

What do you remember about the present continuous?

Slide 20 - Open question


- Info on the present continuous on page 132 and/or notes you have made during class on Tuesday

Slide 21 - Slide

Present continuous
Short answer
am cooking now.
I am not cooking now.
Am I cooking now?
Yes, I am
No, I am not.
She is cooking now
She is not cooking now.
Is she cooking now?
Yes, she is
No, she is not.
we/you/ they
We are cooking now.
We are not cooking now.
Are we cooking now?
Yes, we are.
No, we are not.

Slide 22 - Slide

Slide 23 - Link

Slide 24 - Link