Mavo 1 Stepping Stones theme 2 - E

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 49 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

Theme 2 - E
  • Grammar 4 and 5

4 - Ontkenningen met 'to be'
5 - Present Simple

Slide 2 - Slide

The goals for today
  1. Je kent de theorie van de present simple
  2. Je kent de theorie van ontkenningen van to be
  3. Je kunt de ontkenning van to be en de present simple toepassen in een oefening.

Slide 3 - Slide

Today's program
  • Explain grammar
  • Do exercises in your workbook and online (Stepping Stones).

Slide 4 - Slide

0ntkenning maken met 'to be'

Bevestigend: Ellen is grappig. -->  Ellen is funny.
Ontkennend: Ellen is niet grappig. --> Ellen is not funny.

Regel: om een ontkenning te maken zet je not achter am/are/is

Slide 5 - Slide

Je kunt een ontkenning ook afkorten.
I am not sad.
I'm not sad. (je kunt am + not niet afkorten, amn't bestaat niet)
You are not sad.
You aren't sad.
He is not sad.
He isn't sad.
We are not sad.
We aren't sad.
They are not sad.
They aren't sad.

Slide 6 - Slide

Maak de volgende zinnen ontkennend:
  1. They're nervous.
  2. She's 14 years old.
  3. My dad ... working late today.
  4. You ... a big fan of sports.

Maak de volgende zinnen bevestigend:
  1. This isn't our dog.
  2. You aren't his cousin.

Slide 7 - Slide

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

De Present Simple is een tijd in de tegenwoordige tijd. Een bevestigende zin in deze tijd ziet er zo uit:

                   We eat french fries every Sunday.

Hoeveel werkwoorden staan er in deze zin?
Waarom denk je dat ze deze tijd 'simple' noemen?

Slide 8 - Slide

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

Een bevestigende zin van de present simple heeft maar één werkwoord in de zin staan.
Dat werkwoord staat natuurlijk altijd in de tegenwoordige tijd.

Sleep de zinnen van de volgende dia naar de juiste box. Kijk goed naar het aantal werkwoorden in de zin en of die werkwoorden wel in de tegenwoordige tijd staan.

Slide 9 - Slide

1. I like scary movies.
2. He is walking the dog.
3. We are dancing all night.
4. She plays the piano.
5. They are my parents.
Present Simple
Not Present Simple

Slide 10 - Drag question

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

Nu weet je hoe de present simple er uit ziet. Maar wanneer gebruik je deze tijd?

We gebruiken de present simple als we het hebben over:
- Feiten
The leopard runs very fast.
- Routines
Harry plays football every Wednesday. 

Slide 11 - Slide

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

Je herkent die feiten of routines aan de 'signaalwoorden'. Dat zijn woorden die jou het signaal geven dat je een bepaalde tijd moet invullen.

Woorden zoals everyday, never, always, every Wednesday, usually hebben het over een routine. Het is iets dat vaker gebeurt. 

Als er geen signaalwoord staat gaat het over een feit.

Slide 12 - Slide

Look at the words below. Which ones are signal words for the Present Simple and which ones are not?
Signal word
Not a signal word
Next Friday
Every week

Slide 13 - Drag question

The Present Simple
What is the present simple?

Je weet nu hoe de present simple er uit ziet. We gaan het nu hebben over hoe je een werkwoord moet vervoegen in deze tijd.

Slide 14 - Slide

The Present Simple
The SHIT Rule

We hebben het al eerder gehad over de SHIT regel. SHIT bestaat uit She, He en IT. Omdat de present simple een tegenwoordige tijd is, geldt de regel nu ook.

De regel is:

Als het onderwerp in een tegenwoordige tijd zin 'he, she of it' is, krijgt het werkwoord +S.

I dance wordt She dances.

Slide 15 - Slide

Explain the SHIT-Rule in your own words.

Slide 16 - Open question

The Present Simple

The SHIT Rule

Maak bij de volgende opdracht logische zinnen.
Denk aan de SHIT-regel. Kijk goed naar het onderwerp, want dat bepaalt (he/she/it) of er een S bij moet of niet.

Slide 17 - Slide

every Saturday.
They never
with oil.
That tree
very fast.
I always
chocolate ice cream.
Those boys
in class very often.

Slide 18 - Drag question

The Present Simple

To make a present simple question, you have to put the verb do in front of the sentence:

 I like ice cream.     becomes      Do I like ice cream?

If the subject is a he, she or it, you have to use does. Also, look at what happens with the +s of the original verb.

Bob plays football.   becomes   Does Bob play football?

Slide 19 - Slide

The Present Simple


For the next exercise, turn the normal present simple sentence into a question. Think about capital letters, questions marks and the SHIT Rule (do/does)!
                                    Use short forms!    

Slide 20 - Slide

My dog likes meat.

Slide 21 - Open question

That tree looks 100 years old.

Slide 22 - Open question

I never go to parties.

Slide 23 - Open question

The Queen of England plays golf every evening.

Slide 24 - Open question

The girls always wear the same dresses.

Slide 25 - Open question

The Present Simple

The verb 'to be' is a special one. 
If the first verb in the sentence is am, is, or are, you switch it with the subject.

She is very beautiful.  becomes  Is she very beautiful?

'Is' switched places with the subject. In these cases, you don't use 'do' or 'doesn't'.

Slide 26 - Slide

The old man always sits in his chair.
the old man always
in his chair?
Turn the normal present simple sentence into a question

Slide 27 - Drag question

She is my best friend.
my best friend?

Slide 28 - Drag question

They are at the club every Tuesday evening.
at the club every Tuesday evening?

Slide 29 - Drag question

My sister likes everything pink.
my sister
everything pink?

Slide 30 - Drag question

The Present Simple

Now you know how to make a normal present simple sentence and questions in the present simple.

Now we are going to look at negations.

Slide 31 - Slide

The Present Simple

Negations tell you that something is not happening. 
You can see the word not in negations, but almost always as a short form n't, as in don't or doesn't.

An example of a negation is:

                             She doesn't see very well. 

Slide 32 - Slide

The Present Simple

So you make a negation by adding don't or doesn't to the sentence. Think about the SHIT Rule!
So not like this:
                                        I like not cookies. 

But like this:
                                       I don't like cookies 

Slide 33 - Slide

The Present Simple

Look at what happens to the verb in this sentence when we turn it into a negation:

                                 He plays video games every day.

                        He doesn't play video games every day.

The +s disappears after doesn't. The same happened with the questions!

Slide 34 - Slide

The Present Simple


In the next exercise, try to turn the normal present simple into a negation. Pay attention to capital letters, full stops and the SHIT Rule.
                                     Use short forms!

Slide 35 - Slide

The girls wear the same dresses.

Slide 36 - Open question

The boy always cleans his plate after eating.

Slide 37 - Open question

They give out flyers every morning.

Slide 38 - Open question

The sun shines very brightly.

Slide 39 - Open question

Minions like bananas very much.

Slide 40 - Open question

The Present Simple

Again, the verb 'to be' is special. 
If the first verb in the sentence is am, is or are, you can just add not. You don't need do or don't in that case.

I am an English teacher. 
I am not an English teacher.

Slide 41 - Slide

The Present Simple


For the next exercise, turn the normal present simple sentences into negations. Pay attention to capital letters, full stops, and the SHIT Rule!
                                    Use short forms!

Slide 42 - Slide

I am a very happy person.

Slide 43 - Open question

She wears her best dress on Sundays.

Slide 44 - Open question

My dog is almost deaf.

Slide 45 - Open question

They are at the pool every week.

Slide 46 - Open question

My baby brother usually vomits after dinner.

Slide 47 - Open question

Get to work!

Workbook page 38
  • E - Grammar - exercise 14

On your own:

Stepping Stones online 
  • E - Grammar - exercise 15

Slide 48 - Slide

Finish exercise:
  • E - grammar - exercise 14, 15

Repeat exercise:
  • Slim stampen (A/B/C/D)

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