4.2 Puberty 2HVTTO

B2 Puberty
  • Jacket in your locker
  • Put your things on your desk
       Notebook, pencil case
  • Bag on the floor
  • Read pages 16-19
  • You can discern between sex and gender
  • You can identify the primary and secondary sexual characteristics for both male and female
  • You can list physical, mental and social changes that happen during puberty
Homework U4 B2
1 / 20
Slide 1: Slide
BiologieMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

B2 Puberty
  • Jacket in your locker
  • Put your things on your desk
       Notebook, pencil case
  • Bag on the floor
  • Read pages 16-19
  • You can discern between sex and gender
  • You can identify the primary and secondary sexual characteristics for both male and female
  • You can list physical, mental and social changes that happen during puberty
Homework U4 B2

Slide 1 - Slide

Wheel of homework
Go to Lessonup.app and use this code
  • +1 cm2 cheatsheet = you get to make a cheatsheet for a test. This starts being 1 by 1 cm. Everytime you earn this it gets 1 cm bigger to a max of 4 by 4 cm.
  • 1/3 +0.5 = If you earn this 3 times you get to add 0,5 to one of your biology marks.
  • Snitch = You can pick a classmate who also is checked for homework, you earn two V's (having 3 earns you a 1/3 +0,5)
  • Too bad = You only get one V
  • 45 min extra worktime = you need to come after school and do homework, this will last for 45 min or until the task is done
  • Coloringpage = You get to pick a coloringpage, You need to color it and perform tasks that might be on it. You need to hand it in during the next lesson, If you don't you get 2 marks.
  • 2/1 marks = a mark is an X, if you get 3 of these you will automaticly earn the 45 min extra worktime.
  • Snitch = You can pick a classmate who also is checked for homework
  • Lucky! = You don't get a penalty

Slide 2 - Slide

A man has a penis, this is an example of a ..?.. sex characteristic (1 word)

Slide 3 - Open question

The vagina is an exit for
Urine and inner lining from uterus
Inner lining from uterus
none of these

Slide 4 - Quiz

At what age does puberty begin?

Slide 5 - Poll

Who starts puberty first?

Slide 6 - Quiz

What is a hormone? What does it do?

Slide 7 - Open question

Hormones and puberty
The pituitary gland produces hormones that make other glands produce hormones: 
  • In women estrogen in the ovaries
  • In men testosterone in the testes

and Testosterone make secondary sexual characteristics appear.

Slide 8 - Slide

Hormones from the pituitary gland make many physical changes happen:
  • Growth spurt
  • Growth of hair: under arms and near sexual organs (pubic hair)
  • Fertile
  • Secondary sexual characteristics
Children are often slowly growing.
During a growth spurt this growth is happening at a much quicker pace
man - spermcells are being produced in the testes
woman - egg cells mature in the ovaries

Slide 9 - Slide

Sexual characteristics
Anatomical characteristics that define your sex
Primary > present at birth
Secondary > present after puberty

Slide 10 - Slide

Secondary sexual characteristics woman

Slide 11 - Mind map

Secondary sexual characteristics man

Slide 12 - Mind map

Penis and scrotum(balls)

Growth of hair: beard, chest 
Lower voice
Growth penis and testes
More muscle tissue
Production of spermcells
Vulva and uterus

Bigger breasts
Wider hips/more rounded shape
Growth clitoris and labia
Menstrual cycle
Maturing of egg cells
There's lots of variation in people when it comes to secondary sexual characteristics!
Some people get all the listed changes, some only a few. 
The amount in which a change is visible can also has many variations.

Slide 13 - Slide

  • Volwassen worden
  • Seksualiteit
  • Relatie(s) beginnen
  • Geslachtsgemeenschap

Slide 14 - Slide

Other changes
  • Growing up/maturing
  • Sexuality
  • Falling in love
  • Having intercourse

  • Reacting differently 
  • Parents/family 
  • Friends

Slide 15 - Slide

Social media (TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc.) has a bigger negative impact than positive, on the self-image of young people
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree/agree
Strongly agree

Slide 16 - Poll

What you should do: U4 B2
  • Pages  16-24
  • Asgmt  1-7, 4c
OR challenge
  • Asgmt 5-9

Done with the above?
  • Work on the next chapter(s)
  • Learn for the test 
  • Make other homework
  • Read a book
Zs = Working in Silence
  • No asking questions
  • Silent, don't disturb anyone
  • Stay at your  desk

Slide 17 - Slide

What you should do: U4 B2
  • Pages 16-24
  • Asgmt 1-7, 4c
OR challenge
  • Asgmt 5-9

Done with the above?
  • Work on the next chapter(s)
  • Learn for the test 
  • Make other homework
  • Read a book
Zw = Working with whispering
  • Teacher is available for questions
  • Only whisper with the student next to you
  • Stay at your  desk

Slide 18 - Slide

Sometimes people call 'growth of pubic hair' a secondary sexual characteristic.
Is that correct? Why (not)?

Slide 19 - Open question

Tidy Duty
3 people each lesson
  • Desks: empty and straight
  • Chairs:  underneath the desks OR end of day: on the desks
  • Floor: no rubbish

Slide 20 - Slide