Mavo 3 Week 9

Welcome to your English class!
WEEK ...

Ms. Koltyzhenko
1 / 46
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 46 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 70 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome to your English class!
WEEK ...

Ms. Koltyzhenko

Slide 1 - Slide

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  • Ga op je plek zitten!
  • Stop je telefoon in je zakkie/tas!
  • Doe je jas uit!
  • Doe je oortjes uit!
  • Zet je tas op de grond!
  • Leg je spullen op tafel: boek / schrift / etui / laptop!
  • Doe je laptop dicht!
Welcome ZM3D

ENGLISH Ms. Koltyzhenko

Slide 2 - Slide

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  • Ga op je plek zitten!
  • Stop je telefoon in je zakkie/tas!
  • Doe je jas uit!
  • Doe je oortjes uit!
  • Zet je tas op de grond!
  • Leg je spullen op tafel: boek / schrift / etui / laptop!
  • Doe je laptop dicht!
Welcome ZM3E

ENGLISH Ms. Koltyzhenko

Slide 3 - Slide

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During the class

  • Raise your hand if you want to say something.
  • Use the toilet before entering the classroom.
  • Using of the toilet during the class is not permitted.
  • No food, drinks or chewing gum in the classroom.
  • Be considerate of each other.
  • Keep the classroom tidy.
  • Always follow the teacher's instructions.

Slide 4 - Slide

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End of the class

  • Pack your bag after the teacher tells you to.
  • Remain seated.
  • When the bell rings:
  1. Move your chair.
  2. Take your trash with you and throw it in the trash can.
  3. Leave the room quietly.

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Lesson 1

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Today's agenda
  1. BBC news - start assignment
  2. Homework check / revision of the material

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Start assignment
  • Write down in your notebook.
  • What date is it today?
  • TAKE NOTES, while watching BBC news. 
  • Write only the most important words - KEY WORDS!


Slide 8 - Slide

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Stepping Stones p. 20
  1. Do you like spaghetti?                     No, I don't like Italian food.
  2. Does he play football?                     No, he doesn't play any sports.
  3. Does she live in your street?         No, she doesn't live in my town anymore. 
  4. Does your cat eat meat?                 No, it doesn't eat meat.
  5. Do we need a car?                              No, we don't need a car. 
  6. Do they go to the cinema a lot?   No, they don't watch films very often. 

Slide 9 - Slide

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Let's discuss!
  • Share your notes! Read out loud!
  • What is the top news?
  • What is the most interesting news?
  • What is the most boring news?
  • What is the weirdest news?

Slide 10 - Slide

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Homework check:

Slide 11 - Slide

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PTO 2 - Week 22 - les 1
Today's mission:
  • SO examenidioom theme 10/11/12
  • Homework check: exam 2017 text 9/10/11/12
  • Reading: End of the line 

Slide 12 - Slide

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inloggen via SomToday

Deze week:  
- 3 Listening opdrachten
- 3 Reading opdrachten

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SO 2 Periode 2
- use a black or blue pen
  • Examenidioom theme 10/11/12
  • Writing
  • Reading

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Today's mission
Reading: examenteksten
exam 2017 texts 9/10/11/12

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Today's mission
Reading short stories: 
End of the line

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End of the line

Alison Randall

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Questions about what we've read so far: 

Who are the main characters of the book?

What do you know about the main characters?

How do you feel about what you've read?

What do you think will happen next? 


Slide 18 - Slide

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Finish reading 'End of the line'

Slide 19 - Slide

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Today's mission

Slide 20 - Slide

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Bring: Charged laptop! Pencil Case! Stepping Stones book A! Examenidioom! English notebook! 

Slide 21 - Slide

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Slide 22 - Slide

8. Afsluiting
De docent controleert in de slotfase van de les of de leerdoelen door alle leerlingen behaald zijn en plaatst de les in de context van de betreffende Unit. De docent evalueert samen met de leerlingen het leren en het gedrag op basis van het Learner Profile en de ATL-skills. Dit wordt vastgelegd in Toddle. Samen blikken docent en leerlingen vooruit aan de hand van de JdW-planner.

Pack your bag!
Remain seated!

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Have a nice day! :)

Slide 24 - Slide

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Welcome to your English class!
WEEK ...

Ms. Koltyzhenko

Slide 25 - Slide

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  • Ga op je plek zitten!
  • Stop je telefoon in je zakkie/tas!
  • Doe je jas uit!
  • Doe je oortjes uit!
  • Zet je tas op de grond!
  • Leg je spullen op tafel: boek / schrift / etui / laptop!
  • Doe je laptop dicht!
Welcome ZM3D

ENGLISH Ms. Koltyzhenko

Slide 26 - Slide

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  • Ga op je plek zitten!
  • Stop je telefoon in je zakkie/tas!
  • Doe je jas uit!
  • Doe je oortjes uit!
  • Zet je tas op de grond!
  • Leg je spullen op tafel: boek / schrift / etui / laptop!
  • Doe je laptop dicht!
Welcome ZM3E

ENGLISH Ms. Koltyzhenko

Slide 27 - Slide

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During the class

  • Raise your hand if you want to say something.
  • Use the toilet before entering the classroom.
  • Using of the toilet during the class is not permitted.
  • No food, drinks or chewing gum in the classroom.
  • Be considerate of each other.
  • Keep the classroom tidy.
  • Always follow the teacher's instructions.

Slide 28 - Slide

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End of the class

  • Pack your bag after the teacher tells you to.
  • Remain seated.
  • When the bell rings:
  1. Move your chair.
  2. Take your trash with you and throw it in the trash can.
  3. Leave the room quietly.

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Lesson 2

Slide 30 - Slide

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Today's agenda
  1. BBC news - start assignment
  2. Homework check / revision of the material

Slide 31 - Slide

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Start assignment
  • Write down in your notebook.
  • What date is it today?
  • TAKE NOTES, while watching BBC news. 
  • Write only the most important words - KEY WORDS!


Slide 32 - Slide

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Stepping Stones p. 20
  1. Do you like spaghetti?                     No, I don't like Italian food.
  2. Does he play football?                     No, he doesn't play any sports.
  3. Does she live in your street?         No, she doesn't live in my town anymore. 
  4. Does your cat eat meat?                 No, it doesn't eat meat.
  5. Do we need a car?                              No, we don't need a car. 
  6. Do they go to the cinema a lot?   No, they don't watch films very often. 

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Let's discuss!
  • Share your notes! Read out loud!
  • What is the top news?
  • What is the most interesting news?
  • What is the most boring news?
  • What is the weirdest news?

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Homework check:

Slide 35 - Slide

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Slide 36 - Slide

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PTO 2 - Week 22 - les 2
Today's mission:
  • Reading: Short stories (recap)
  • Kijk- en Luistertoets

Slide 37 - Slide

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inloggen via SomToday

Deze week:  
- 3 Listening opdrachten
- 3 Reading opdrachten

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Today's mission
Kijk- en Luistertoets

Slide 39 - Slide

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End of the line

Alison Randall

Slide 40 - Slide

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Finish reading 'End of the line'

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Today's mission

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Bring: Charged laptop! Pencil Case! Stepping Stones book A! Examenidioom! English notebook! 

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Slide 44 - Slide

8. Afsluiting
De docent controleert in de slotfase van de les of de leerdoelen door alle leerlingen behaald zijn en plaatst de les in de context van de betreffende Unit. De docent evalueert samen met de leerlingen het leren en het gedrag op basis van het Learner Profile en de ATL-skills. Dit wordt vastgelegd in Toddle. Samen blikken docent en leerlingen vooruit aan de hand van de JdW-planner.

Pack your bag!
Remain seated!

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Have a nice weekend! :)

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