The founder of socialism is A)
Karl Marx . He was critical of B)
capitalism . He predicted that the inquality between the proletariat (working class) and bourgeoisie (entrepeneurs) would lead to a C)
revolution. As soon as the D)
capital (money, land, machines, buildings, etc.) belonged to everyone, the class society would disappear.
The two movements that evolved from E) socialism are F) communism and G) social democracy . H) Communism is a radical movement that remained faithfull to the idea of a violent revolution (class war). They wanted to abolish I) private property and wanted state ownership instead. J) Social democracy is a more moderate movement that wants a peaceful solution through the introduction of K) social laws .
Examples of social laws are: L) minimum wages, 8 hour working day, better working
M) conditions, sick pay, unemployment benefits and retirement.