Lesson 41 - Present Perfect 1

Lesson 41 Living at home
Students on Zoom:
  • Camera on.
  • Mic on mute.
  • I have to see your face.
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 22 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Lesson 41 Living at home
Students on Zoom:
  • Camera on.
  • Mic on mute.
  • I have to see your face.

Slide 1 - Slide


  1. Reading portfolio
  2. The present perfect
  3. Activity: I have...
  4. Independent work
  5. Quizlet

Slide 2 - Slide

  • You know how to use the present perfect in affirmative sentences.
  • You can talk about your current life.

Slide 3 - Slide

The reading portfolio
How does it work?

Slide 4 - Slide

The present perfect
Talking about the past and the present (?)

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Something that started in the past and is still going on or is still visible.
  • She has lived in London for 5 years.
Past (5 years ago)

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Something that has just happened.
  • The taxi has just arrived!
Past (just now)

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Signal words
  • For
  • Yet
  • Never
  • Ever
  • Just
  •  Already
  • Since

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Signal words
  • For
  • Yet
  • Never
  • Ever
  • Just
  • Already
  • Since

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Signal words
  • For
  • Yet
  • Never
  • Ever
  • Just
  • Already
  • Since

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What do you think the rule is?
  1. I have lived here for 3 years.
  2. We have danced since 11 p.m.
  3. She has seen the movie Ghost 16 times.
  4. You have just failed another test.

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have/has + past participle
  1. I have lived here for 3 years.
  2. We have danced since 11 p.m.
  3. She has seen the movie Ghost 16 times.
  4. You have just failed another test.

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have/has + past participle
  1. I have lived here for 3 years.
  2. We have danced since 11 p.m.
  3. She has seen the movie Ghost 16 times.
  4. You have just failed another test.
Regular: verb + (e)d
Irregular: 3rd row

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  1. We __________ painted the walls.
  2. She has __________ (to break) her leg.
  3. I ____________________ (to visit) my grandma every week for the past year. 

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  • When?
  • Signal words?
  • How?

Slide 15 - Slide

Zoom students leave and work
  • Go to Thursday's lesson on Magister.
  • Work on the worksheet in the attachment
  • Homework: Finish the 3 exercises in the worksheet.

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"I have..."
  • I have lived in Malden for 22 years.
  • I have sung for 8 years.
  • I have danced for 16 years.
  • I have taught at schools for the past 4 years.

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"I have..." your turn
I have lived in ..... for ..... years.
I have ..... (hobby) for ..... years/months.
I have ..... (hobby) for ..... years/months.
I have ..... (school related thing) for ..... years/months.

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"he/she has..." or "we have..."
  • Turn to your nearest classmate.
  • See if you have something in common.
  • Yes = write down "We have..."
  • No = write down "He has..." or "She has..."

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Get to work
  • Download the worksheet.
  • Work on the three exercises.
  • Finished: Study the irregular verbs or work on the British Council vocabulary.

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Slide 21 - Link

Next lesson
Homework: Finish the worksheet

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