W4 L1 Beef (grammar class)

Lesson 1:  introduction, period planner, LLA
Name Game, purchase LLA Studiemeter and work on it during class.
Finish LLA before the next class!
Lesson 5: Writing + grammar
Writing assignment in class + peer feedback + re-cap important grammar.
Lesson 2: Reading & Listening
Discuss results from LLA and divide into 2 groups: A1-A2 and A2-B1.

Reading & Listening tips & tricks.
Lesson 5: Writing + grammar
Writing assignment in class + peer feedback + re-cap important grammar.

Receive teacher feedback on previous assignment.
Lesson 3: Reading & Listening

Go to facet mbo examens Engels and practise in class and/or at home.
Reading & Listening + Writing 

You will receive an invitation for your exams via Magister/ email from the exam office of the HMC.
Lesson 4: Reading & grammar
Practise Test Reading in class + important grammar/ tenses.

Instead: a grammar class about 'beef'.
END WEEK - no classes
Resits: final assignment (podcast pitch+ recording)
1 / 15
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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 15 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Lesson 1:  introduction, period planner, LLA
Name Game, purchase LLA Studiemeter and work on it during class.
Finish LLA before the next class!
Lesson 5: Writing + grammar
Writing assignment in class + peer feedback + re-cap important grammar.
Lesson 2: Reading & Listening
Discuss results from LLA and divide into 2 groups: A1-A2 and A2-B1.

Reading & Listening tips & tricks.
Lesson 5: Writing + grammar
Writing assignment in class + peer feedback + re-cap important grammar.

Receive teacher feedback on previous assignment.
Lesson 3: Reading & Listening

Go to facet mbo examens Engels and practise in class and/or at home.
Reading & Listening + Writing 

You will receive an invitation for your exams via Magister/ email from the exam office of the HMC.
Lesson 4: Reading & grammar
Practise Test Reading in class + important grammar/ tenses.

Instead: a grammar class about 'beef'.
END WEEK - no classes
Resits: final assignment (podcast pitch+ recording)

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'Having beef with someone'

 two examples from the USA

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  • Understand and use the expression "having beef with someone."
  • Look at examples of conflicts and public feuds in popular culture (Trump vs. Zelensky, Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar).
  • Practice grammar (present perfect & past simple) and learn how to tell them apart.
Lesson Goals:

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  • slang 

  • public figures/ celebrities that have (had) beef?
What does 'having beef with someone' mean?

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  • slang 

  • public figures/ celebrities that have (had) beef?
What does 'having beef with someone' mean?

Slide 5 - Slide

Ask students: "Can you think of any public figures or celebrities who have had beef with each other?"
Allow students to share examples. Encourage them to explain briefly what the conflict was about, if they know.
Presidents & Rappers
What are they fighting over?

Slide 6 - Slide

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Why do you think these feuds are public? 
  • Why do they attract so much attention?

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  • "I heard Drake and Kendrick Lamar had some beef over a song."

  • "Do you think Trump and Zelensky still have beef?"

  • "Their beef lasted for months before they made up."
  •        --> typically negative, serious disagreements or fights.
                               It can also mean an unresolved argument.
Is the meaning positive or negative?

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"Trump and Zelensky had beef last week." (Past Simple)
"Drake and Kendrick have had beef for years." (Present Perfect)
sell - selled - sold
buy - buyed - bought
have - haved - had
send - sended - sent

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Underline or highlight the verbs in past simple (PS) or the present perfect (PP).

“Kendrick and Drake have had beef for a while, but they resolved it last year.”
“In 2025, Trump and Zelensky had a big public dispute.”

Read the text: 'The beef between Trump & Zelensky'

Slide 10 - Slide

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Create a short conversation between two people who have "beef" with someone. Use this phrase and practice the past simple and present perfect.

Student 1: "Hey, I heard you’ve had beef with John. What happened?"
Student 2: "Yeah, we’ve had beef for a while, but it started when he   didn’t help me with the project last month."
Interactive: speaking exercise - 5 min

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Pick a fight: Trump/Zelensky or Kendrick/Drake or ....?

Your group must:
  • Describe the conflict using present perfect ("Drake and Kendrick have been fighting for years") and past simple ("The beef started in 2015").
  • Share why you think these public conflicts are covered so much in the media.
Interactive: group discussion- 5 min

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New words?

Slide 13 - Mind map

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Write a short paragraph (100-150 words) about a celebrity or public figure who has had beef with another. You should use both the present perfect and past simple tenses.

(you can use other tenses - just not ChatGPT/ Google translate)

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....hopefully without any beef!   :)

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