16 -18 nov

November 19th

- Discuss stones p. 67 - 68 
- exc. 11 & 12 
p. 69 - 70
Practice with watching & listening 
F: Watching 

G: Listening 

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsVoortgezet speciaal onderwijsLeerroute 3

This lesson contains 13 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

November 19th

- Discuss stones p. 67 - 68 
- exc. 11 & 12 
p. 69 - 70
Practice with watching & listening 
F: Watching 

G: Listening 

Slide 1 - Slide

Lesson goals
- You have checked your homework
- You can use the relative pronouns in the exercises
- You can understand relevant information from short, predictable listening texts;
- You can understand the main points in discussions on current and familiar topics.

Slide 2 - Slide

Relative pronouns
1. Who
2. Which
3. That
4. Ø = weglaten who/which/that

Slide 3 - Slide

The policeman who was shouting at us wasn’t very nice.
Do you know the boys who are throwing stones at us?
I didn’t like the girl who was swearing at me.

Slide 4 - Slide

1. Newton studied “white light”, which is made of several different colours.
2. Freddie wants to become a member of our club, which is the best in town.
3. Did you see the glass of orange juice which was standing on the table?

Slide 5 - Slide

Personen en dingen
Who en Which vervangen als er geen komma voor de bijzin staat
I didn’t like the girl who/that was swearing at me.
Did you see the glass of orange juice which/that was standing on the table?
I didn’t see the car which/that was coming out of the driveway.
Who en which niet vervangen als er wel een komma voor de bijzin staat
* Newton studied “white light”, which is made of several different colours.
* Sarah looks like her brother Frank, who is a famous tennis player.

Slide 6 - Slide

Ø = weglaten who/which/that
Who, which en that weglaten als het geen onderwerp is in de bijzijn
Who, which en that niet weglaten als het wel onderwerp is in de bijzijn
1. Emma is the girl ….. I told you about; she’s the class clown.
2. Did you hear about the woman…. put her fake false teeth in backwards? She ate herself.

Slide 7 - Slide

Fill in who/which/that/O:
Jamie Oliver is a cook .... makes very healthy meals.

Slide 8 - Open question

Fill in who/which/that/O:
Where are the books ... your brother borrowed last week?

Slide 9 - Open question

Fill in who/which/that/O:
Isn’t he the man .....
was on the news?

Slide 10 - Open question

November 19th

- Discuss stones p. 67 - 68 
- exc. 11 & 12 
p. 69 - 70
Practice with watching & listening 
F: Watching 

G: Listening 

Slide 11 - Slide

F: watching
- Read online ticket fraud on p. 43 in TB
- exc. 14 listening / watching 
- USE THE STRATEGY:In this exercise you will practise listening for specific information (gericht luisteren). Listen word for word to all the information you hear. Pay attention to distinct words such as numbers and names. First carefully read the questions, so you know what to listen for.

Slide 12 - Slide

G: Listening
- Read the lookout on p. 44 
- exc. 15 + 16

In this exercise you will practise tackling difficult words (moeilijke woorden). While listening, you sometimes come across difficult words which you need to understand the fragment. You can often guess their meaning, for instance because you recognise part of the word.

Slide 13 - Slide