V4 entl1 & 8 lesson 2.2_comparisons_adverbs_adjectives_wk 47

Today's objectives

  • Irregular verbs & vocab review

  • HW: Using new vocabulary & use of  negative prefixes (mis-/ir-/non- etc.) and using prefixes/suffixes to change the word category (a wonder - wonderful; incredible - incredibly) 
(ex. 14/15/16) + ex. 17/18 (adverbs/adjectives) and ex. 19 (speaking)

  • Lesson 2.3 - reading comprehension & Past Continuous

  • HW next class: Lesson 2.3 - reading text + ex. 1-7; review vocab lessons 1 & 2

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Today's objectives

  • Irregular verbs & vocab review

  • HW: Using new vocabulary & use of  negative prefixes (mis-/ir-/non- etc.) and using prefixes/suffixes to change the word category (a wonder - wonderful; incredible - incredibly) 
(ex. 14/15/16) + ex. 17/18 (adverbs/adjectives) and ex. 19 (speaking)

  • Lesson 2.3 - reading comprehension & Past Continuous

  • HW next class: Lesson 2.3 - reading text + ex. 1-7; review vocab lessons 1 & 2

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Irregular verbs - 2nd/3rd form/meaning
  1. light
  2. ring
  3. sink
  4. sit
  5. tear
  6. wear
  7. withdraw
  8. win
  9. strike
  10. flee
  11. fly
  12. lie
  13. lay
  14. drive

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Vocabulary Unit 2 - lessons 1&  2 - E-N
  1. Genuine  = 
  2. Gruelling  =  
  3. Vocational = 
  4. Union (the unions demonstrated for better salaries) = 
  5. emcee = 
  6. pinnacle = 
  7. sustain = 
  8.  punctual =
  9. illegible = 
  10. to reside = 
11. comprehensive =
12. to crack down on = 

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Vocabulary Unit 2 - lessons 1&  2 - E-N
  1. Genuine  = echt/oprecht
  2. Gruelling  =  afmattend
  3. Vocational = beroeps- (opleiding -> vocational education = MBO)
  4. Union (the unions demonstrated for better salaries) = vakbond
  5. emcee = ceremoniemeester
  6. pinnacle = hoogtepunt
  7. sustain = behouden
  8.  punctual = op tijd
  9. illegible = onleesbaar
  10. to reside = wonen (formeel taalgebruik)
11. comprehensive = veelomvattend, uitgebreid
12. to crack down on = met harde hand aanpakken

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Vocabulary Unit 2 - lessons 1&  2 - N-E
  1. Aantekeningen maken = 
  2.  Beledigend = 
  3. Tussen twee haakjes = 
  4. Verbinden = 
  5. Waaronder = 
  6. Blijven = 
  7.  Uitgebreid = 
  8. Vertegenwoordigen = 
  9. Aanpassen = 
  10. Ambitieus = 
  11. In feite (niet "in fact") = 
  12. Te boven komen = 

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Vocabulary Unit 2 - lessons 1&  2 - N-E
  1. Aantekeningen maken = to make/ to take notes
  2.  Beledigend = offensive
  3. Tussen twee haakjes = By the way
  4. Verbinden = to link
  5. Waaronder = including
  6. Blijven = to remain
  7.  Uitgebreid = extensive
  8. Vertegenwoordigen = to represent
  9. Aanpassen = to adjust
  10. Ambitieus = aspiring
  11. In feite (niet "in fact") = basically
  12. Te boven komen = to overcome

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Past Continuous (PC)
Form: (I/he/she/it) was (you/we/they) were + verb + ing
i.e. we were dancing all night long.

P.C. is often combined with the P.S.(past simple = 2nd form) to longer, "background" activities, whilst the PS refers to shorter actions that happened in the middle of longer ones.

i.e. I was walking down the street when I saw the hooligans.

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Past Simple & Used to

Form =
irreg. verbs = 2nd form
reg. verbs = verb + ed

  • A finished action in the past. You know when it happened.

  • Actions which follow each other in a story (3 or more actions in a story = past simple)

  • A past situation or habit = I used to sing / I didn't use to sing
Past Continuous

(I/he/she/it) was (you/we/they) were + verb + ing

  • Duration - to express an activity in progress before (and probably after) a particular time in the past 

  • To express an interrupted past activity

  • Stories - To describe the scene ( i.e. Harry was calmly reading a novel and the birds were quietly chirping. Harriet decided not to rush him.)

      Past Simple -> used to indicate a past action in a story

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Adjectives vs Adverbs - SB p. 65-66
  • The red car -> the adjective modifies the noun (bnw. zegt iets over het zelfst. nmw.)

  • The completely red car -> the adverb modifies the adjective (bw. zegt iets over het bnw.)

  • Fortunately, she drives the completely red car really well. (bw zegt iets over de hele zin; zegt iets over hoe je iets doet/over het werkwoord)

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Comparisons - SB p. 68-69
  • Adjective 1-syllable word - er/est (bigger than; the tallest)

  • Adjective (> or =) 3-syllable words - more/most (more beautiful than; the most beautiful)

  • Adjective 2-syllable words - er/est or more/most (SB p. 68)

  • Adverbs (ending in -LY) - more/most (She danced more beautifully than he did.)

  • Irregular adverbs (good/better/best; bad/worse/worst; few/fewer/fewest; little/less/least etc.)

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Comparisons adjectives
  • Adjective 1-syllable word - er/est (bigger than; the tallest)

  • Adjective (> or =) 3-syllable words - more/most (more beautiful than; the most beautiful)

  • Adjective 2-syllable words - er/est or more/most (SB p. 68)

  • Adjectives with 2 syllables ending with:  -er/ -ow/ -le AND the adjectives common, cruel, handsome, pleasant, quiet, stupid, sure -> TWO comparative forms: with er/est and with more/most

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Comparisons adverbs

  • Adverbs (ending in -LY) - more/most (She danced more beautifully than he did.)

  • Irregular adverbs (good/better/best; bad/worse/worst; few/fewer/fewest; little/less/least etc.)

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little/less/least (non-countable - milk/gold/love/hate - material/abstract)
few/fewer/fewest (countable - chair/spoon/people - plurals)

much/more/most (non-countable) -> non-countable = abstract nouns (love/hate/attention etc.) + materials (wood, water, milk)
many/more/most (countable) -> countable = nouns that can be put into a plural form

late/later/last (de laatste qua binnenkomst)
late/later/latest (de nieuwste)
the late Mr. Steve Jobs = wijlen

old/elder/eldest (familierelaties)

far/further -> aanvullende (further details; further inquiry)

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Adjectives with number
  • The fifty-pound note
  • I have a note of fifty pounds.

  • The 80-year-old grandmother.
  • The grandmother who is 80 years old

  • The 13-year-old girl
  • The girl who is thirteen years old

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