This lesson contains 18 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.
Lesson duration is: 45 min
Items in this lesson
Slide 1 - Slide
Lesson Goals
At the end of the lesson you will have worked on your vocabulary.
At the end of the lesson you will have worked on your listening skills.
Slide 2 - Slide
Slide 3 - Link
Before listening:
Consider the topic of the text you are going to listen to. What do you already know about it? What might be the content of the text? Which words come to mind that you already know?
If you have a task to do, check whether you understand the instructions.
Think about the type of text you are going to listen to. What do you know about this type of text?
Relax and make yourself focus on the listening text.
Slide 4 - Slide
While listening:
Focus on key words and facts.
Take notes to support your memory.
It is not necessary to understand every single word. Don't fret on those words that you don't understand immediately.
If there are words or issues that you need to know to understand the text, use your general knowledge as well as the context to find out the meaning.
Try to think ahead. What might happen next? What may people say?
Slide 5 - Slide
After listening:
Think about the text again. Have you understood the main points?
Remember the speculations you made before you listened? Did they come true?
Have you had any problems while listening? Do you have any problems now to complete your task?
Check whether you have completed your task as well as you can.
Slide 6 - Slide
Slide 7 - Video
What do you think happens?
Slide 8 - Open question
Why are flies useful for our eco system?
Omdat ze graag de Polonaise vliegen
Pollination and decomposition
Because they compose polyphonic pieces of music
They drive polo's into the decomissioned isle
Slide 9 - Quiz
Waarom worden vliegen ook wel de schoonmakers van de natuur genoemd?
Slide 10 - Open question
Wat kan een mug door de unieke vorm van zijn mond makkelijk opnemen?
Slide 11 - Open question
What does the Labelum of a fly do?
Detect and locate food sources
Makes it's lips soft
Slide 12 - Quiz
Wat denk je dat de mug als eerste doet op basis van wat je net allemaal hebt gehoord?
Slide 13 - Open question
How fast, after the fly lands, can it start its feeding proces?
It'll stay idle for a couple of minutes
Might take him a couple of hours
Nah man, within seconds
A fly simply is and doesn't eat.
Slide 14 - Quiz
Can you hazard a guess? Why does it rub it's legs?
Slide 15 - Open question
What can happen if a fly lands on your food?
Slide 16 - Open question
What can you do to prevent flies from landing on your food?
Slide 17 - Open question
That is it for today, what is your main concern when it comes to listening?