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Verleden tijd en voltooid deelwoord
Verleden tijd en voltooid deelwoord
Students know which grammar to use.
Students know the difference between the two.
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This lesson contains
18 slides
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interactive quizzes
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Items in this lesson
Verleden tijd en voltooid deelwoord
Students know which grammar to use.
Students know the difference between the two.
Slide 1 - Slide
Past simple
I walk to school
Slide 2 - Slide
Past simple
I walk to school
I walked to school yesterday
Slide 3 - Slide
Past simple
I speak English
Slide 4 - Slide
Past Simple
I speak English
I spoke English yesterday
Slide 5 - Slide
Past simple
Started in the past and ended in the past.
They played soccer yesterday/last week/in 2014 etc.
They went to the store yesterday/last week in 2014 etc.
Slide 6 - Slide
Past simple
Started in the past and ended in the past.
They played soccer yesterday/last week/in 2014 etc.
They went to the store yesterday/last week in 2014 etc.
We bezochten Parijs in 2015.
Slide 7 - Slide
Past simple
Started in the past and ended in the past.
They played soccer yesterday/last week/in 2014 etc.
They went to the store yesterday/last week in 2014 etc.
We bezochten Parijs in 2015.
We visited Paris in 2015
Slide 8 - Slide
Present Perfect
Something that started in the past and continues on
Something that is still visible.
have/has+voltooid deelwoord (3de rij)
I have studied English since 2 o'clock
I have studied English.
Slide 9 - Slide
Present Perfect
We hebben al 3 jaar aan ons bedrijfsidee gewerkt
Slide 10 - Slide
Present Perfect
We hebben al 3 jaar aan ons bedrijfsidee gewerkt
We have worked on our business idea for 3 years
Slide 11 - Slide
I have played guitar for 10 years = Ik speel al 10 jaar gitaar.
I played guitar for 10 years= ik heb 10 jaar gitaar gespeeld.
I knew him since we were kids= Hij is dood of we zijn uit elkaar gegroeid
I have known him since we were kids= Ik ken hem nog steeds.
Slide 12 - Slide
I..... (to talk) to Jim this morning
Slide 13 - Open question
He (to live) in London since 2002. He still lives there.
Slide 14 - Open question
I (to play) football for three years. I still play football
Slide 15 - Open question
She (to work) on her project all weekend.
Slide 16 - Open question
First Assignments 146 and 147 page 195
Then (week 49) assignments
Or SPL assignment 5
You have till 12:50 to finish assignments 146 and 147
Slide 17 - Slide
Checking assignment 147.
Slide 18 - Slide
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