Lesson 5: F: listening

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo bLeerjaar 1,2

This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

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Today's planning
  • Finish A: watching and check the answers together
  • Strategy: preparing for listening
  • Learning the words on page 71
  • Do the exercises from F: listening
  • Checking the answers together

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Lesson goal
At the end of this lesson

  • I know which strategy I should use for listening exercises.  


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Let's watch the clip
First, read the questions from A: watching. When we're done with watching the clip, do all the exercises that belong to this paragraph. 

We'll stop 10 minutes before the end of class so we can check our exercises.
You can work together, but mind your volume!

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Let's get to work!
Go to page 54 in your book. 

I will give you two minutes to read the questions of exercises 38 and 39. 



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Go to page 71.
Read the words that belong to F: listening

Take two minutes to read them yourself
Take two minutes to quiz each other
Then I'll take two minutes to quiz you

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Reading the questions
Now you are going to complete exercises 38, 39 and 40

You are going to read the questions first. 

You will get 3 minutes for this. 

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First you will complete exercise 38, you will get 2 minutes for this. 


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Now you are going to listen to a clip and complete exercises 39 and 40. 
I will play the fragment twice. 

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Exercise 41
Now complete exercise 41. You will get 5 minutes for this. After that we will check the answers from F:listening together. 

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Lesson goal: was it accomplished?
At the end of this lesson

  • I know which strategy I should use for listening exercises.  


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Let's round things off 
What did you think of today's lesson?

Bye, see you tomorrow! 

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