U2 4.1: Present Perfect

Take a seat and grab your notebook & a pen(cil). 

Tuesday the 19th of December
- Revise the Present Perfect
- Revise Present Perfect vs Past Simple
- Time to work on homework
1 / 14
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Take a seat and grab your notebook & a pen(cil). 

Tuesday the 19th of December
- Revise the Present Perfect
- Revise Present Perfect vs Past Simple
- Time to work on homework

Slide 1 - Slide

At the end of this class, I will...
... have revised the use of the Present Perfect. 

... be able to create correct English sentences using the Present Perfect. 

Slide 2 - Slide

Leg de Present Perfect uit.

Slide 3 - Open question

Fill in the present perfect:
Emily ... (paint) her room.

Slide 4 - Open question

Fill in the present perfect:
I ........................ (not + seen) him since yesterday.

Slide 5 - Open question

Fill in the Present Perfect:
"..... you ..... (be) in London?"

Slide 6 - Open question

                                    Present Perfect
1. iets is gebeurd en het is niet belangrijk wanneer.
2. Iets is in de VT begonnen en is nu nogsteeds bezig. 
SW: since, for, in, ever, never, always

+: have/has + voltooid deelwoord (ww + ed / 3e rijtje)
-: haven't/hasn't + voltooid deelwoord
?: Have/had + ow + voltooid deelwoord

Spellingsuitzonderingen: zelfde als past simple.

                                   Past Simple
Gebruik: iets is in het verleden gebeurd en het is bekend en/of belangrijk wanneer.
SW: yesterday, last night, this morning, ... ago

+: ww + ed / 2e rijtje
-: didn't + hele werkwood
?: Did + ow + hele werkwoord

1. medeklinker + y = + ied             cry - cried
2. korte klinker + medeklinker = dubbele medeklinker                                     plan - planned
3. meerdere lettergrepen eindigend op -L = +Led                                                      travel - travelled

Slide 7 - Slide

Stappenplan present perfect vs past simple
1. Is het afgerond?               Ja = past simple
2. Staat er een signaalwoord in de zin?            ja = kies past simple/present perfect
3. Heeft het effect op het heden?             ja = present perfect

Controleer altijd met de context van de zin!

Slide 8 - Slide

Present Perfect or Past Simple?
Peter ____ (play) football yesterday

Slide 9 - Open question

Present perfect or past simple?

Martha..... (live) in the Netherlands since 2004.

Slide 10 - Open question

Present perfect or past simple?

School ... (not/start) yet.

Slide 11 - Open question

Present Perfect or Past Simple?
"... she ... (to eat) hamburgers last night?"

Slide 12 - Open question

Unit 2 Lesson 2 & 3
Where? page 64 & 81
What? Do exercise 19, 42, 43 (in book), 40 (online)
How? Whispers only
Help? Ask your neighbour or raise your hand.
- ReadTheory.org
- Lyricstraining.com
- Work on another subject


Slide 13 - Slide

After the break
Monday the 8th of January
We are going to discuss the test of unit 1.
You don't need anything for this class.

Tuesday the 9th of January
Bring library card to class (& the boy if you haven't handed it in yet)
Complete the exercises we did in class:   19, 42, 43 (in book), 40 (online)

Friday the 12th of January
Complete the exercise we did in class: 44 & 46 in book
Herhaal de grammatica van unit 2, we gaan een oefentoets maken. 

Slide 14 - Slide