V3J Reflection on Unit 1 and start Unit 2

V3J Lesson 2: Unit 2
1 / 17
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 17 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

V3J Lesson 2: Unit 2

Slide 1 - Slide

Today's Programme
*Change of background image (the American flag)
*Show what you know! 
* Today's topic: Extreme Weather (hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons (Japanese word) 
*Do: exercises 
*Grammar Workshop: Explaining the present perfect (iets startte in het verleden -> nu) past simple (iets stopte in het verleden)
* Listen to: "Tornado Warning" (a warning issued by the government) 

Slide 2 - Slide

What do the white bands (stripes) and the stars in the left-hand corner stand for in the American flag, do you think?
The stars represent the original colonies, the stripes represent the presidents
The stars represent the original colonies, the stripes represent the states
the stars represent the number of landmarks, the stripes represent the presidents
the stars respresent the states, the stripes represent the original colonies.

Slide 3 - Quiz

Show what you know!
Part of today's homework (as could be found in the study planner) was to learn the words of unit 2, lesson 1. Being able to correctly translate them or fill them in in the right blank, gives you an idea how well you will be prepared for the test of Test Week 2. 

Slide 4 - Slide

Riding a rollercoaster gives me an / a (adrenaline rush).
What is the other word for 'adrenline rush' that you can find in the word list of Unit 2?
adrenaline shot

Slide 5 - Quiz

Breaking News: "Yesterday a(n) 1.__________event. 2. _________. An earthquake of 6.5 on Richter's Scale struck the Arabian peninsula. About 400 houses were destroyed in the catastrophic event. In the 3. _______, many people had to be rescued from the rubble."
1. occurred , 2. disturbing, 3. aftermath
1. disturbing, 2. occurred 3. aftermath
1. aftermath, 2. disturbing, 3. occurred
1. disturbing, 2. aftermath 3. occurred

Slide 6 - Quiz

Some people believe in certain ideas of how historical things happened. Think about the attack of 9/11 or the assassination of John F. Kennedy. What are the theories called?
domestic theories
conspiracy theories
appealing theories
made-up-by-people theories

Slide 7 - Quiz

In today's lesson....
We're going to learn more about tornadoes (tornado - enkelvoud / tornadoes - meervoud); In this video, the formation of tornadoes is explained. The video will stop occassionally and you will answer an open-ended question. 

Slide 8 - Slide


Slide 9 - Video

Which things are needed to form a tornado? Name at least two....

Slide 10 - Open question

How does a storm end? Name 2 conditions (omstandigheden)

Slide 11 - Open question

Present perfect (iets startte in het verleden -> nu) vs past simple (iets stopte in het verleden) 

Answer these questions to get an idea whether you understand the difference

Slide 12 - Slide

Yesterday I accidentally__________(1. leave) my wallet at home. I was gathering all my belongings because I had to go to a meeting.
I actually__________(2. always want) to buy myself a keyfinder and now I have a good reason to do so.
1. have left 2. have always wanted
1. have left 2. always wanted
1. left 2. always wanted
1. left 2. have always wanted

Slide 13 - Quiz

I'm going to explain the grammar. What do you want to do? After ten minutes I will discuss answers
I want to do the exercises. I think I understand the diff. between the past simple & pres. perf.
I'm going to do the exercises, but I will pay attention to the explanation from time to time
I'm going to participate in the grammar workshop because I don't completely understand the diff. yet.

Slide 14 - Poll

 exercises (part of your HW) 
page 56 
Do: exercise 2,5,8,9,10,11 (encircle them please)

Time: till _____________ (We'll check exercises 2 + 5) 

Slide 15 - Slide

What happened to you yesterday?
My friend: "Yesterday I went to the stadium to watch the football match of my favourite football team."
You: "I have never been to a football match in my life. What was it like?"
My friend: "Something funny happened actually!"
You: "What happened to you?"
*wat geven de dikgedrukte werkwoorden aan? 
*Wat geven de schuingedrukte tijdsbepalingen aan?

Slide 16 - Slide

Iets stopte in het verleden;
-Dit kun je herkennen aan de signaalwoorden die aangeven dat iets stopte in het verleden: yesterday, in 2019, two days ago, last year

-Het werkwoord + ed/+ied /2e vorm (onregelmatige werkwoorden)
1. I walked to the  packed stadium yesterday.
2.She studied to become a veterinarian (doctor specialized in treating animals).
3. She went to the sold-out concert two days ago. 

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