Now that you've thought deeply about your reasons and proofs, it's time to transform them into solid paragraphs. The middle paragraphs of a traditional essay are the meat and potatoes of your paper. (Or alternatively, for all you vegetarians out there, the rice and beans.)
Either way, the middle paragraphs are the place where you fill your reader up with the hearty goodness of reasons and proofs. No matter how tasty the special sauce of your thesis may be, you'd better make sure your middle paragraphs have real substance or you'll risk leaving your readers unsatisfied, hungering for more.
And since — to paraphrase Bob Marley — a hungry reader is an angry reader, we'd better get busy serving up the good stuff.
The recipe is simple. The middle paragraphs are the place in your essay where you'll need to back up your primary argument. To do that, you'll need the reasons and proofs that you developed in the last few steps.