Revision Chapter 4: no place like home

Revision Chapter 4: no place like home
1 / 43
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 43 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

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Revision Chapter 4: no place like home

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Revision grammar chapter 4: no place like home 

the, a, an
present continuous

Lesson goal: at the end of the lesson, we understand the grammar of chapter 4

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Imperatives zijn bevelen, commando's, waarschuwingen en aanwijzingen.

Hoe maak je een imperative?
Imperatives beginnen met een werkwoord
Om een imperative ontkennend te maken zet je er do not/ don't voor.

  • (Do not) be quiet!     --->    wees (niet) stil!
  • (Don't) stand up!       --->    Sta (niet) op!

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rewrite the sentences
  1. you should go to the hospital now. You're bleeding!
  2. Could you open the window, please?
  3. could you get her an apple, please?
  4. you should leave for school now. You're late!
  5. You have to turn left at the traffic lights.
  6. you should not have a dessert!

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In the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter and his friends are exploring. They come across a mysterious clearing. Harry notices a shimmering light in the distance.
Harry points and says, "Look over there! What is that?"
Ron squints and replies, "It's a unicorn! Quick, hide behind those bushes!"
Hermione gasps, "We must approach it carefully. It's injured."
Harry nods and says, "Let's go slowly. We don't want to scare it away."
They approach the unicorn cautiously. Its coat is gleaming in the moonlight.
Suddenly, Hagrid appears and shouts, "Stay back, kids! It's dangerous!"
But Harry, Ron, and Hermione don't listen. They move closer to the unicorn.
Hermione whispers urgently, "We have to help it. It's in pain."
Harry agrees and says, "Ron, fetch some water. Hermione, find some herbs to treat its wounds."
Together, they work to heal the unicorn, using magic and potions. Finally, the unicorn neighs softly, grateful for their help.
In the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter and his friends are exploring. They come across a mysterious clearing. Harry notices a shimmering light in the distance.

Harry points and says, "Look over there! What is that?"
Ron squints and replies, "It's a unicorn! Quick, hide behind those bushes!"
Hermione gasps, "We must approach it carefully. It's injured."
Harry nods and says, "Let's go slowly. We don't want to scare it away."
They approach the unicorn cautiously. Its coat is gleaming in the moonlight.
Suddenly, Hagrid appears and shouts, "Stay back, kids! It's dangerous!"
But Harry, Ron, and Hermione don't listen. They move closer to the unicorn.
Hermione whispers urgently, "We have to help it. It's in pain."
Harry agrees and says, "Ron, fetch some water. Hermione, find some herbs to treat its wounds."
Together, they work to heal the unicorn, using magic and potions. Finally, the unicorn neighs softly, grateful for their help.

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In the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter and his friends are exploring. They come across a mysterious clearing. Harry notices a shimmering light in the distance.
Harry points and says, "Look over there! What is that?"
Ron squints and replies, "It's a unicorn! Quick, hide behind those bushes!"
Hermione gasps, "We must approach it carefully. It's injured."
Harry nods and says, "Let's go slowly. We don't want to scare it away."
They approach the unicorn cautiously. Its coat is gleaming in the moonlight.
Suddenly, Hagrid appears and shouts, "Stay back, kids! It's dangerous!"
But Harry, Ron, and Hermione don't listen. They move closer to the unicorn.
Hermione whispers urgently, "We have to help it. It's in pain."
Harry agrees and says, "Ron, fetch some water. Hermione, find some herbs to treat its wounds."
Together, they work to heal the unicorn, using magic and potions. Finally, the unicorn neighs softly, grateful for their help.
In the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter and his friends are exploring. They come across a mysterious clearing. Harry notices a shimmering light in the distance.

Harry points and says, "Look over there! What is that?"
Ron squints and replies, "It's a unicorn! Quick, hide behind those bushes!"
Hermione gasps, "We must approach it carefully. It's injured."
Harry nods and says, "Let's go slowly. We don't want to scare it away."
They approach the unicorn cautiously. Its coat is gleaming in the moonlight.
Suddenly, Hagrid appears and shouts, "Stay back, kids! It's dangerous!"
But Harry, Ron, and Hermione don't listen. They move closer to the unicorn.
Hermione whispers urgently, "We have to help it. It's in pain."
Harry agrees and says, "Ron, fetch some water. Hermione, find some herbs to treat its wounds."
Together, they work to heal the unicorn, using magic and potions. Finally, the unicorn neighs softly, grateful for their help.

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The articles: the, a, an

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Je gebruikt the voor iets specifieks (de/het in het Nederlands) 
Dat is de tas!
That is the bag!

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Je gebruikt a en an wanneer je het niet over iets specifieks hebt. 
An gebruik je wanneer de letter van het volgende woord begint met a, e, i, o, u. 
A bike/an apple

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This is ______ hard question.

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This is ______ easy question.

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Can you pass me ______ apple?

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I think it's ______ funny movie.

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I will get back to you in _____ hour.

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___ pound is worth more than ___ euro.
An, a
A, an
A, a
An, an

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Yale is ____ university with ____ big campus.
a, a
an, an
a, an
an, a

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Think of as many words that can
come after "a"

Slide 18 - Mind map

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Think of as many words that can
come after "an"

Slide 19 - Mind map

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Present Simple
Present Simple

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Wat is de Present Simple?

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Wanneer gebruik je de Present Simple?

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Hoe maak je de Present Simple?

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De basis van Present Simple! (To be)

I                                am     ----> Ik ben
you                         are     ----> jij bent
he/she/it              is        ----> hij/zij/het is
we                           are     ----> wij zijn
you                         are      ----> jullie zijn
they                       are      ----> zij zijn

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Present simple gebruik
1. Wanneer iets vaak of regelmatig gebeurt ( hobby's, gewoonten )
2. Wanneer iets een feit is.​

Examples (voorbeelden):​
I walk the dog every morning. (gewoonte)​
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. (feit)​

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Present simple vorm
Je maakt de present simple al volgt:
I/you/we/they = hele werkwoord                        walk
he/she/it = hele werkwoord + -s                         walks

Signal words (signaalwoorden): 
Always, sometimes, never, usually, often

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Dus bij he/she/it komt er een -S achter!

he talks
my mom sits
the table wobbles

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Make the present simple - negative.
John .......... French. (not speak)

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Present Simple & negative (-)
You (not / like) ___________ chocolate.

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Make the present simple negative
I like working hard (not)

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Present Continuous 
Present Continuous 

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Hoe maak je de Present Continuous?

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Wanneer gebruik je de Present Continuous?

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Present continuous
- something that is happening at this moment or around this time

ezelsbruggetje: present contiNUous

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Present continuous

am / is / are    +     verb + ing

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Present continuous:

Wat is de regel van de present continuous?
hele ww+ -ed
shit = hele ww+ -s
vorm van to be (am/are/is) + hele ww+ -ing

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Present simple:
welke zin is present simple?
I am walking to school.
They walked to school.
We have walked to school.
He walks to school.

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Present simple:
Rule Example
 Je gebruikt de tegenwoordige tijd (present simple)
als je het over het volgende hebt:
• feiten Water boils at 100 degrees.
• gewoontes I usually get up at 6.30.
• toekomst als je een rooster/tijdschema/programma hebt ;The train leaves at 7.30.
• levendig beschrijving/dramatisch effect;
In 1099 William conquers England
Altijd hele werkwoord behalve SHIT: +S
I walk -> He walks

Present Simple
Welke zin is present simple?
Lucy lives in London.
Lucy lived in London.
Lucy is living in London.
Lucy has lived in London.

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present simple (?):
___ he ___(do) his homework?

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Present simple(-)
I ___(live) in Madrid.

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creative game

write a movie scene of 10 sentences with the, a, an   - present continuous, present simple and the imperative!

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Tips for writing
tips: think of what movie/ cartoon/ series you want to add a scene to. Harry Potter, Barbie, Stranger Things etc

think of a situation that might happen in the film or rewrite a scene. 

write it out :)

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See you next week!

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