M3 Week 36

  • Toilet bezocht / fles gevuld
  • Telefoons/smartwatches thuis/kluis 
  • Laptops opgestart op tafel (dicht)
  • Boek op tafel
  • Agenda op tafel
  • Pen/potlood/markeerstift
  • Zitten
  • Startopdracht: Irr. verbs 1-15
Or Afternoon
1 / 20
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This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

Items in this lesson

  • Toilet bezocht / fles gevuld
  • Telefoons/smartwatches thuis/kluis 
  • Laptops opgestart op tafel (dicht)
  • Boek op tafel
  • Agenda op tafel
  • Pen/potlood/markeerstift
  • Zitten
  • Startopdracht: Irr. verbs 1-15
Or Afternoon

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Week 36 U1L1

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  • You may drink water
  • You  may use the toilet before and after each lesson
  • Your coat, mobile phone and smart watch are in your locker
  • You may have a discussion with your teacher after the lesson
  • You may attend class with your laptop, book and pen
  • Not all exercises are made in your book

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  1. At the end of this Lesson, I know what is expected from me this year
  2. I know where I can find information  I need to pass my tests

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Week 40 Schrijfvaardigheid (Writing an essay)
Week 42  Unit 1
Week 49 Unit 3
Week 51 Spreekvaardigheid (PPT presentatie)
Week 5  Unit 2
Week 12 Unit 4
Week 14 KLT 

Crossing Borders

Exercises 1-2

Nul-Meting Examen BB
Week 19 Unit 5
Week 25 Unit 6
Week 26 Leesvaardigheid

Onder voorbehoud!!

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  • It's learning (planner)
  • Website             
  • LessonUp
  • All  Right (always bring your book!)
  • Speaking Skills
  • Woots             Listening Skills

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Before every lesson
  • Check your "planner"
  • Pre-teaching (check what we are going to do next lesson)
  •        e.g. practise the words in Quizlet
  •        e.g. watch the explanation about the grammar (website)
  • Study words
  • Check your targets 

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What if you have missed a lesson?
  • Check your planner, what are we going to do/have we done?
  • Check LessonUp
       e.g. practise the words in Quizlet
       e.g. watch the explanation about the grammar (lessonUp)
  • Make the exercises in All Right (online)
  • Practice listening skills - speaking skills - writing skills
  • Check your targets 
  • Questions, mail/chat dra@jfc.nl

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Discovering the Wonders of North West England

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Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the North West of England, its geography, culture, and notable landmarks.

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Introduce the learning objective to the students and explain what they will achieve by the end of the lesson.
What do you already know about the North West of England?

Slide 11 - Mind map

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Geography of the North West
The North West of England is bordered by Scotland to the north, the Irish Sea to the west, and the East Midlands to the east. It is known for its diverse landscapes, including the Lake District, Pennines, and coastal areas.

Slide 12 - Slide

Discuss the geography of the North West, highlighting its borders and notable landscapes.
Industrial Heritage
The North West was a hub of industrial activity during the 18th and 19th centuries. Cities like Manchester and Liverpool played crucial roles in the Industrial Revolution, with textile mills, canals, and railways transforming the region.

Slide 13 - Slide

Explain the industrial heritage of the North West and its impact on the region's development.
Cultural Diversity
The North West is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities. It has a rich history of immigration, contributing to a vibrant and diverse cultural scene. From music and art to cuisine and festivals, the region offers a tapestry of experiences.

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Highlight the cultural diversity of the North West and encourage students to explore different aspects of its heritage.
Famous Landmarks
The North West boasts several iconic landmarks. From the majestic peaks of the Lake District to the historic Roman city of Chester, and from the vibrant music scene of Manchester to the iconic Beatles heritage in Liverpool, there's something for everyone.

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Showcase the famous landmarks of the North West and spark students' curiosity about exploring them further.
The Beatles and Liverpool
Liverpool is famous for being the birthplace of the legendary band, The Beatles. The Beatles Story Museum, the Cavern Club, and Penny Lane are must-visit attractions for music enthusiasts and fans of the Fab Four.

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Discuss the significance of The Beatles in Liverpool's cultural history and encourage students to explore their legacy.
The Lake District
The Lake District is a picturesque region known for its stunning lakes, mountains, and charming towns. It offers opportunities for hiking, boating, and immersing oneself in nature's beauty.

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Introduce the natural beauty of the Lake District and encourage students to appreciate its serene landscapes.
Manchester and Football
Manchester is renowned for its football heritage. The city is home to two of the most successful football clubs in the world, Manchester United and Manchester City. Explore the stadiums, visit the National Football Museum, and learn about the city's football culture.

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Highlight Manchester's football culture and its impact on the city's identity as a global sporting hub.
Wrap-up and Further Exploration
Congratulations! You have now gained a deeper understanding of the North West of England. Take this knowledge and continue exploring the region's rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking landscapes.

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Summarize the lesson and encourage students to continue their exploration of the North West beyond the classroom.
All Right
In class: Exercises: 1
Individually: Exercises 2-3-4

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