You've received back your essays, I have been very very very strict (too strict) when I gave you the feedback. So, there are some things I want to discuss.
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Final written essay
Use double spacing
Make sure your structure is very clear: Introduction, body paragraphs & conclusion
use linking words
REVIEW YOUR WORK (PLEASE DO THIS!!!!!!) to avoid mistakes
Mind your word count!
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Avoid personal pronouns
The key to writing a good essay is to avoid personal pronouns
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What ingredients do you need for an introduction?
Introduction to topic: What is globalisation? (Brief explanation)
Problem+question: Globalisation is bad & why is it bad?
Globalisation is a process in which information and money is shared across the globe. This process is often displayed as positive development, however globalisation also comes with downsides. What do these downsides entail? and how do they influence our society?
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How about the conclusion?
Conclusion (Example: In conclusion, while globalization allows for a more connected world, the drawbacks are also important to reckon with.)
Repeat the issues your addressed briefly together
Give a final oomph to your essay: Even though globalization cannot be stopped, society should be careful about generational differences and the decline of minority languages.
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Okay, the moment you have waited for:
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Here comes a fun one
Did your fellow student adhere to the exercise?
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For those who used ChatGPT
Don't do it, I want you to improve your writing skills. I know ChatGPT can't write properly, I don't need additional confirmation of that.
Thank you for not wasting my time.
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I will now give back your essays
Some pointers:
Using "in my opinion" is okay! (I may have marked it but feel free to ignore the comment)
Using a question in your introduction is okay as well!
Read through the essay and my comments, and if you have any questions, you can ask them tomorrow in class or you can send me an email.