English lesson: A new solar system

Our solar system
1 / 13
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsAardrijkskundeBasisschoolGroep 7,8

This lesson contains 13 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 40 min

Items in this lesson

Our solar system

Slide 1 - Slide

Move the names to the right planet

Slide 2 - Drag question

What information can you tell about Mercury?

Slide 3 - Mind map

What are we gonna do?
- We are gonna read the text about the new solar system.
- We are gonna talk about a new discovered planet.

Slide 4 - Slide

Exciting Discovery: Scientists Uncover New Solar System!

In an amazing discovery that has astronomers feeling full with excitement, scientists have found a whole new solar system in the depths of space. This incredible find opens up a universe of possibilities and has everyone talking about what might be out there besides our own solar system.
In an amazing discovery that has astronomers feeling full with excitement, scientists have found a whole new solar system in the depths of space. 
This incredible find opens up a universe of possibilities and has everyone talking about what might be out there besides our own solar system.
Exciting Discovery: Scientists Uncover New Solar System!

Slide 5 - Slide

Among the fascinating planets in this newly found solar system is a mysterious world called "Stellara." Here's what we know about it so far:

Stellara is a beautiful planet with a unique personality all its own. It's a bit like Earth, but with some amazing differences.

Stellara is about the same size as Earth, making it just the right size for exploration and adventure.

On Stellara, the weather is always changing. Sometimes it’s as hot as a desert at noon, while at other times it’s as cold as Antarctica in winter and there are storms that light up the sky with flashes of lightning.

Slide 6 - Slide

While the harsh weather on Stellara may not seem liveable to us, scientists are not ruling out the possibility of life. Could there cold and heat resistant organisms awaiting discovery on this distant planet? Only time will tell.

A day on Stellara is close to a day on Earth, with bright days and dark nights. But a year on Stellara is longer than a year on Earth, so the seasons last longer too.

This groundbreaking discovery has scientists buzzing with excitement as they prepare to learn more about Stellara and the other planets in this remarkable solar system. Who knows what other wonders await us as we continue to explore the mysteries of the cosmos? 

Slide 7 - Slide

Stellaris is a good planet for humans to live on.

Slide 8 - Quiz

Scientists have found life on Stellaris.

Slide 9 - Quiz

Get your notebook (kladschrift)
Write down a few words:

- The name of the solar system

- What kind of star is at the centre

- How many planets there are

Slide 10 - Slide

The Planet
- Name
- Material / Looks
- Size
- Temperature / weather
- Life
- Time on this planet
- Distance

Slide 11 - Slide

For example:
- Flupsy3.4 
- Wasaki-system

- Closest planet to the sun, a blue star
- Double the size of Earth

- stone and dust
- Vulcanoes and rivers of magma

- Temperature 600 °C.
- Too hot for life

Slide 12 - Slide

Today i learned:

Slide 13 - Open question