W1L1 ZV1A English Introduction

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 32 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 70 min

Items in this lesson


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English - Ms. Plazier
Week 1 - Lesson 1
Welcome ZV1A!

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       Ga op je plekje zitten
       Doe je jas uit
       Telefoon én oortjes in je zakkie en in je tas
       Tas op de grond 
       Kauwgum uit 

Slide 3 - Slide

1. Ga op je vaste plek zitten 
2. pak je laptop + werkboek stepping stones + etui + telefoon in je zakkie 

Slide 4 - Slide

Lesson goals
At the end of this class I ...
  • ... know what I will learn during this year.
  • ... practised my English a little bit.

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We hebben respect voor elkaar 

We houden ons aan de afspraken die we met elkaar maken

Als we over de streep gaan, praten we daarover

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  • Be on time!
  • Only one person speaks at a time.
  • You participate actively in every lesson.
  • Do your homework and bring the material. 
  • Raise your hand if you have a question.
  • Be mindful 
  • No bullying or laughing at each other's mistakes 
  • Communicate 
What do I expect from you?

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  • Be mindful: 
  • Be careful how you say something, think twice! What is normal for you might not be normal for another person
  • Communicate:
  • You are allowed to make mistakes, but talk to me if you do. 
  • Let me know what is going on, come to me before class or send me a message in Teams. 
What do I expect from you?

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Wie ben ik?

telefoon: 06-57216491
werkdagen: di/woe/don/vrij
Wie ben ik? 
Mevr. Plazier / Miss Plazier
mail: pzr@johandewittscholengroep.nl
telefoon: 0657613097
werkdagen: ma/di/wo/don 

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What do you remember about me from previous week?

Slide 10 - Mind map

Of these 3 which one is the lie?
- I lived in Canada
- I was born in The Hague
- I have one brother.

Slide 11 - Mind map

  • Ms. Plazier / Mevr. Plazier 
  • I was raised bilingually 
  • I love camping
  • I love reading 
  • If I would not be teacher, I would liked to be a cook/baker. 

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Your turn...Who are YOU?
  • Name
  • Which person inspires you and why?

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  1. What are we going to do?
  2. What do we work on in class?
  3. What do we test this year?
  4. What do you need to bring?
  5. What's in the book?

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  • SO / PTO / PO
  • books: Stepping Stones & reading book 
  • online: Quizlet / NUMO
  • JDW map 
What are we going to do this year? 

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  • each start of class: 15-20 minutes of reading or listening 
  • Skills 
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
What do we work on in class?

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  • PTO 1: stepping stones CH1&2 
  • luistervaardigheid
  • PTO2: A) stepping stones CH3&4 (CH 1 & 2 grammar and vocab)
  • PO book assignment 
  • PTO 3: stepping stones CH5 & 6 (CH 1, 2, 3 & 4 grammar & vocab)
  • PO spreekvaardigheid 
2 per period

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  • Stepping Stones workbook A
  • pencils/pens (multiple colors)
  • Laptop (charged + charger)
  • JDW map 
  • zakkie & naambordje 
What do you need to bring to class? 

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  1. Terugblik PTO 2
  2. Profielboekjes (gestuurd via Magister)
  3. Profielkeuzeformulier invullen 
What is in the book?
  • Bridging the Gap
  • Chapter 1-3 Book A Chapter 4-6 Book B
  • Each Chapter: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I 
  • Chapter ends with vocab, stones and grammar list (p. 82-85)
  • reading matters 
  • back of the book: grammar overview (green) and strategies (yellow)

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  • Stepping Stones workbook A
  • JDW map
  • Pencilcase: several pens & pencils

What do you need to bring to class?

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  • Extra oefenen voor Engels
  • 30 minuten per week (lezen, vocab, grammatica)

  • Oefenen met de woorden uit het boek Stepping Stones.
  • Je moet wel een account aanmaken (gratis)
Online practice 

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How do you like to learn (e.g. in groups)?
What activities/ topics do you find interesting?

Slide 22 - Mind map

Wat denk je dat je moeilijk gaat vinden bij Engels? Of wat vind je al moeilijk? (e.g. grammatica, woorden, lezen, schrijven, luisteren, ...)

Slide 23 - Open question


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I choose:
No facial expressions
Every night at 3 AM I have to run a mile backwards.

Slide 26 - Poll


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I choose:
My mum buys all my clothes without consulting me.
I can only do my groceries at filling stations.

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I choose:
Everything I eat tastes like potatoe.
I go to school like a Roman soldier everyday.

Slide 30 - Poll

Exit letter
Write down: .....Miss Plazier/Ms. Plazier, 
1. opening 
2. I use English when......
3. My goal for this year.......
4. In my spare time I love to..........
5. My best personality trait is................
6. My worst personaity trait is..............
7. This is something you should know about me........
7 closing + name 

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Friday's class
It will be at the Mackaystraat 6 

Bring your workbook A Stepping Stones 
+ your laptop (charged) + charger + pencilcase + zakkie + naambordje 

We will work on Bridging the Gap 

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