Literature 5-6

Good to see you all again!
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Good to see you all again!

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Schrijvend Leren 
  • What? Use the next 10 minutes to study for your upcoming test in which ever way you like!
  • How? Individually, in silence
  • Time? 10 minutes

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Today's Programme
  • Studying for your test
  • Past Simple
  • Literature exc. 5 & 7 
  • Next lesson

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Lesson goals
  • At the end of today's class you write 3 sentences in which you use the past simple (a positive sentence, a negative sentence and a question).
  • At the end of today's class you describe the characters that are part of a fairy tale.

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Past Simple
  • When do we use the past simple?
  • What do you have to do with the verb to put it in the past simple tense?
  • What is the biggest difference between Dutch and English when talking about the past? 

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Past Simple
  • Iets is in het verleden gebeurd en is ook al afgelopen
  • Werkwoord + ed
  • Walk --> walked | work --> worked | cook --> cooked
  • Grootste verschil tussen NL en EN 
  • NL: Ik heb gisteren zelf gekookt.
  • EN: I cooked dinner yesterday.

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Negative sentences and questions
  • Wat hebben we nodig om ontkennende zinnen en vraagzinnen met de past simple te maken?
  • Did not / didn't en Did
  • Let op! Je voegt dan geen ed meer toe aan het werkwoord. Je hebt de verleden tijd al op did geplakt
  • I didn't cook dinner last night.
  • Did you cook dinner last night 

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Past Simple: practise
  • ____________________ (they -  to play) together when they were little.
  • Dad __________________ (to start) the car a minute ago.
  • He _________________ (not - to believe) me when I told him.
  • We ____________________ (to like) last night's film a lot.
  • Jill ______________________ (not - to seem) sad to me.

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Exc. 5 & 7
  • What? Do exc. 5 & 7. 
  • How? In pairs
  • Time? 8 minutes
  • Note? If you have any questions, please ask!
  • Done? If you were to write a fairy tale, what would it be about? What characters would you include? Where would it take place? Discuss this with your neighbour.

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Next lesson 
  • Past Simple
  • Expressions

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