Lesson 1

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 3

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 40 min

Items in this lesson

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Your final year!

This year there is still plenty to do!
So let me lay it out for you...

  • Unfinished business (tests or assignments) from years 1 & 2
  • Two short 3rd-year tests
  • Exams

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About the tests...
There are two very short tests that will prepare you for the exams. 
One is to catch up on vocabulary and the other on a part of grammar called 'prepositions' -->

In your study guide you will see when we take on which!

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Exam Vocabulary Exercise
On your Teams page, you will find the exam vocab exercise.
You have until tomorrow (check time in Teams!) to finish this.

It is just a translation exercise, so it shouldn't take too long.
Once you have uploaded your answers (in time), 
you will receive the key that you will need to study.

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Prepositions Study Materials
On your Teams page, you will also find the document that you will need to study to get ready for your prepositions test.

You will be able to find it under 'English' and then 'bestanden'.

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About the exams...
In short: there are three types of exams that you will need to take this year.

  1. Pearson SEEmbo
  2. Centraal Examen
  3. SPL vaardigheidsexamen

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A general English exam at A2 level.
On the computer, including speaking via headset!
Next week (if all goes to plan); a practise exam.

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Centraal Examen
This is a general exam for everybody at mbo level 4.

They test two skills at B1 level 
(so one up from Pearson SEEmbo)

- reading
- listening

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And then finally, your last exam.

The exercises from this exam are focused on what it is you've learned in practice. So it is not general English but much more specific to the field that you've studied in.

MIND: if you have not finished work from your previous year, you may take part in the first examparts, but if you have still not finished your work by the fourth term, you will not be able to take the final part(s)!

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  1. Translate your exam vocabulary by tonight!

  2. Go through this information here:
    (We'll open the PowerPoint now first.)

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