Literature 02-03-21

- How was your spring break?
- Get your readers out, because we will do literature today!
- Also, login to the LessonUp
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 10 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

- How was your spring break?
- Get your readers out, because we will do literature today!
- Also, login to the LessonUp

Slide 1 - Slide

At the end of this lesson you'll ...
  • Be able to explain what La Belle Dame Sans Merci is about
  • Know a bit more about WWI
  • Be able to answer questions about Rupert Brooke's Poems
  • Deadline next week Friday: Literature assignment (p. 42) NOT the DPS assignment.

Slide 2 - Slide

Romatic Era

Slide 3 - Mind map

Discussing homework
  •  Let's refresh your memory: What was the poem about?
  • Think about this for 1 minute, look in your reader
  • I will ask some people to share their answer
  • Afterwards we will discuss the answers to the questions

Slide 4 - Slide

WAR POETRY: 1914-1918

Slide 5 - Slide

  • 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918
  • One of the largest wars in history: 70 million soldiers, 9 million military deaths, 13 million civilian deaths
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria-Hungary) was killed in Serbia, and Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia,
  • There were a lot of alliances, so nearly all of Europe was involved in the war. 
  • Germany wanted to invade France through Belgium who remained neutral.
  • England was neutral at first, but decided to fight against Germany because they invaded neutral territory (Belgium)
  • There was a sense of optimism about the war as patriotism was strong in England.
  • Some English poets wrote about the war from different perspectives

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Rupert Brooke (1887-1915): War Sonnets

Slide 7 - Slide

Let's read the poems
  •  What is the speaker’s opinion of (dying in) war? Is it positive or negative?
  • Something to think about: Sonnets are about love, how is this related to the poems we read?

Slide 8 - Slide

Time to work
  •  Do the exercises about The Soldier and The Dead
  • You can work in pairs if you want to (not groups!)
  • Think of the answers yourself first, but if you are unsure about it you can use the internet to help you.
  • We will discuss the answers on Thursday
  • If there are questions please come to the front of the class!

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Homework and next lessons
  • Finish the exercises about The Soldier and The Dead
  • Read the information about Siegfried Sassoon (p. 33-35)
  • We will discuss your answers on Thursday and we will continue with Siegried Sassoon then.

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