Architectural Postcards: Greetings from…..
Before the meeting, each student should create a virtual "postcard" showing a famous or unique piece of architecture from their country, city or hometown. The chosen building (or buildings) should not only represent their country or city but also have personal significance to the student.
On the postcard, the student will only write the phrase: "Greetings from…." without mentioning anything else about the building(s).
Students will mail their postcard to their exchange buddy before the meeting, if possible.
During the teams meeting, each student will:
- Explain briefly what’s on their postcard: Describe the architecture in 2-3 minutes: What is it called? When was it built? Why is it significant etc.
Other topics during the meeting could be:
- How geography, climate, or culture influences architecture in their countries.
- How they feel architecture reflects the identity of a place or a country.
- Focus on stereotype ideas (fi Dutch people and their windmills !?)
and prepare questions to verify these stereotype ideas.
- …………….