D2 Eerste les van het jaar

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 15 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 80 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

Goals for today
1. Welcome back! 
2. Knowing the rules 
3. Knowing how we will be working
4. Finding your way around the book
5. Bridging the Gap from year 1 

Slide 2 - Slide

How's your English, in your opinion?
Awesome, excellent, couldn't be better
Rather good
Okay I suppose
Abysmal (= really bad)

Slide 3 - Quiz

How well did you manage to keep up with online classes?
I preferred it that way!
I didn't have any problems
I mostly managed
Eh... not all that well.

Slide 4 - Quiz

- I will call your name and spin the wheel
- I will answer the question first (if it's the first time it comes up) 
- After that it is your turn to answer the question
- Speak for at least thirty seconds. 

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Link

My rules: 
Come to class prepared: books ready, homework done, ready to learn. 
Make fun of your classmates or laugh when they make a mistake 
Raise your hand before speaking 
Go walking around without permission 
Be respectful to your classmates and teacher. 
Talk when you are supposed to work quietly 
Do your best and keep trying 
Be afraid to ask questions 
Be honest 
Use your iPad for games, social media or other personal stuff. 
Keep your hands off other people and their belongings. 
Fall asleep

Slide 7 - Slide


Slide 8 - Slide

- You've got two books on paper. The first few months: only bring book  A. I will tell you when it's time to bring B. 
- You'll also need a notebook (schrift) 
- Some exercises, the ones we do in class, are done in your book. For homework, so can choose whether you work online or in the book. 
- Extra material, audio and video: online. 
- No telephones in class. iPads stay in your bag until I tell you otherwise. 

Slide 9 - Slide

Book information hunt 
- Come and get the worksheet
- Find all the information in your book
- All the correct letters form a scrambled word. Which word is it? 
- First person with a correct answer wins a prize! 
- Then find a partner, turn to page 10 in your book and together, figure out what all the instructions mean.
- Ready? Homework for the next class is in your planner in Magister. It is also on the next slide. 

Slide 10 - Slide

The following exercises should be finished before the next class: 
Blz 17 oefening 4 a, b
Blz 21/22 oefening 4 a
Blz 27 oefening 4 a, b
Blz 32 oefening 4 a, b
Blz 32/33 oefening 5 a, b

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Slide

I know what is expected of me in English class

Slide 13 - Poll

I can find my way around the book

Slide 14 - Poll

Slide 15 - Slide