Noughts & Crosses

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ScienceMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 23 slides, with text slides and 1 video.

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Electric current is the flow of electrons through a complete circuit of conductors. It is used to power everything from our lights to our trains.

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Electricity is a flow of charge 

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Electricity is a flow of charge 

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Properties of Electric Charge

Charge can neither be created nor be annihilated, but can be transfered from one body to another.

Opposite charges attract each other,Like charges repel each other.

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Conventional current and electron flow
  • Electron current flows from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of the battery. 
  • The conventional current flows from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal.

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Electric Charge
  • The thing with electrons is: There are SO many!

  • We don't measure charge in the number of electrons, but in batches.

  • One such batch is one coulomb.

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What is current?
You already know:
  • Electricity is a flow of charge.

This can be

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First, pause the video and try to answer it for yourself. After that continue playing the video.
What is current?
You already know:
  • Electricity is a flow of charge.

This can be
The amount of coulomb flowing through an electric circuit per second — Coulomb/second

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First, pause the video and try to answer it for yourself. After that continue playing the video.
What is current?

  • Symbol: I
  • Unit: Ampere (A)
  • Formula:                           Current = Charge / time

Charge — Coulombs (C)
time — seconds (s)
The amount of coulomb flowing through an electric circuit per second —  Coulomb/second

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First, pause the video and try to answer it for yourself. After that continue playing the video.

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Units of current
1. Ampere or amp (symbol: A) is the unit of electrical current.
2. A milliampere (often called "milliamp") is a unit of electric current . The symbol for milliampere is mA. 
1 milliampère = 0,001 A

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We use resistors to control the flow of current from a voltage source, like a battery.
They resist the flow of charge, they are poor conductors.
The value of resistor is measured in ohms and represented by the Greek letter capital omega.

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Before we go on, let's talk about resistors.
Resistance is calculated in Ohms (Ω)

We can see that each resistor has 4 lines painted on it. These lines are simply telling us their resistance.
  • 1st line - 1st digit of our amount
  • 2nd line - 2nd digit of our amount
  • 3rd line - the multiplier for our first two digits
  • 4th line - the tolerence of the resistor i.e. its percentage error

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Let's try one out!
What is the resistance of this Diode?

  • Answer:
    470Ω ±5%

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Light Emitting Diode

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