4.6 Safe sex

B6 Safe sex
  • Jacket in your locker
  • Put your things on your desk
       Notebook, pencil case
  • Bag on the floor
  • Read pages 36-39
  • You can say how wishes and limits can be set and respected in a sexual relationship.
  • You can name various STIs and explain how they can be prevented.
Homework U4 B6
1 / 19
Slide 1: Slide
BiologieMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 19 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

B6 Safe sex
  • Jacket in your locker
  • Put your things on your desk
       Notebook, pencil case
  • Bag on the floor
  • Read pages 36-39
  • You can say how wishes and limits can be set and respected in a sexual relationship.
  • You can name various STIs and explain how they can be prevented.
Homework U4 B6

Slide 1 - Slide

Wheel of homework
Go to Lessonup.app and use this code
  • +1 cm2 cheatsheet = you get to make a cheatsheet for a test. This starts being 1 by 1 cm. Everytime you earn this it gets 1 cm bigger to a max of 4 by 4 cm.
  • 1/3 +0.5 = If you earn this 3 times you get to add 0,5 to one of your biology marks.
  • Snitch = You can pick a classmate who also is checked for homework, you earn two V's (having 3 earns you a 1/3 +0,5)
  • Too bad = You only get one V
  • 45 min extra worktime = you need to come after school and do homework, this will last for 45 min or until the task is done
  • Coloringpage = You get to pick a coloringpage, You need to color it and perform tasks that might be on it. You need to hand it in during the next lesson, If you don't you get 2 marks.
  • 2/1 marks = a mark is an X, if you get 3 of these you will automaticly earn the 45 min extra worktime.
  • Snitch = You can pick a classmate who also is checked for homework
  • Lucky! = You don't get a penalty

Slide 2 - Slide

Pair: Talk about the topics below with your neighbour.
Try to decide on an answer for each question:
  • At what moment do you have sex in a relationship?
  • How can you make sure sex is fun and enjoyable for both people?
  • What is consent, and how/when do you ask consent?
  • What are wishes and boundaries considering sex?
  • When/how do you talk about wishes/boundaries?
  • Share: Talk about answers during plenary session

Slide 3 - Slide

If I were to go over someone's boundary during sex.
I would notice that

Slide 4 - Poll

Positive feelings/reasons for sex
  • Feeling connected
  • Fun (lust/libido)
Negative feelings/reasons for sex
  • Sexual harassment
  • Assault
  • Rape
  • Incest

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Video

One of the guys clearly is uneasy with the things that are happening.
Why doesn't he say/do something?

Slide 7 - Open question

Slide 8 - Video

Too many people would say this behaviour is 'normal'.
Why would people think that?

Slide 9 - Open question

Victim blaming
What is victim blaming?
  • = People who have been targeted by unacceptable sexual behaviour (usb) are seen as quilty/stupid.
  • Makes these people feel shame and not talk about what happened
  • The person doing the usb is always the one who is guilty!

Slide 10 - Slide

When a man pinches a womans butt, it is sexual assault
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Slide 11 - Poll

When a woman dresses sexy, it's her on fault when she gets sexually harassed
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Slide 12 - Poll

Men are more often guilty of unacceptable sexual behaviour than women.
Why is that?

Slide 13 - Open question


Slide 14 - Mind map

= Sexually transmitable infection (NL = SOA)
  • Diseases/infections that are tranmitted       during intercourse (contact between sexual organs, mouth, anus) 
Bekende SOA's
  • HPV
  • HIV
  • Chlamydia
Human papillomavirus
  • Cause genital warts and cervical cancer (in the uterus)
  • Can cause other types of cancer in both men and women
  • Almost everyone gets infected, without much problems
  • At 10 children are vaccinated against the most dangerous kinds of the virus
Human immunodeficiencyvirus
  • Causer of AIDS
  • Immune system stops working, makes you vulnerable to other diseases
  • Sero positive = The virus is in your body, but you do not have AIDS 
  • Nowadays medicine can help people live a healthy life with AIDS, also vaccinations are starting to be succelful treatments
Chlamydia bacterium
  • Causes inflamation of anus, uterus and urethra. Causes pain and white fluid to come out of urethra during urination.
  • Can make someone infertile if not treated
  • Easily treatable with anti biotics
  • Most widespread STI
During unsafe sex someone who is infected can transmit the STI to the other person.
An STI is not created by unsafe sex! A person already needs to be infected.
Sometimes the infected person only carries the STI, but is not showing symptoms. They can still transmit the STI!

Best ways to prevent STI's:
  • Use a condom / have safe sex
  • Be tested on STI's
To transmit = to pass something from one person to another

Slide 15 - Slide

What you should do: U4 B6
  • Pgs 55-58
  • Asgmt  1, 2, 6, 8, 10 (11, 12)

Done with the above?
  • Work on the next chapter(s)
  • Learn for the test 
  • Make other homework
  • Read a book
Zs = Working in Silence
  • No asking questions
  • Silent, don't disturb anyone
  • Stay at your  desk

Slide 16 - Slide

What you should do: U4 B6
  • Pgs 55-58
  • Asgmt 1, 2, 6, 8, 10 (11, 12)

Done with the above?
  • Work on the next chapter(s)
  • Learn for the test 
  • Make other homework
  • Read a book
Zw = Working with whispering
  • Teacher is available for questions
  • Only whisper with the student next to you
  • Stay at your  desk

Slide 17 - Slide

People who are victim of unacceptable sexual behaviour, have a higher chance of getting STI's
How is that possible?

Slide 18 - Open question

Tidy Duty
3 people each lesson
  • Desks: empty and straight
  • Chairs:  underneath the desks OR end of day: on the desks
  • Floor: no rubbish

Slide 19 - Slide