Individual Oral Exam 2023

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This lesson contains 49 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

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The nature of the task 
The Individual Oral is an assessment task you have to complete at both HL and SL in addition to the final examination papers and (for HL students only) the coursework essay. At a time designated by your teacher, you will deliver a 15 minute oral presentation; for up to 10 of those minutes you will present alone and in the last five minutes your teacher will ask you some questions.

Dates 2025
DP2 Lang Lit & Lit individual orals 7th - 14th February 

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The nature of the task 
In the oral you will be expected to talk about two works that you have studied. One of them must be in translation.
In the oral you are expected to focus on a GLOBAL ISSUE. This is a topic that connects your texts with both local and global 'real world' contexts.
The oral is conducted and marked by your teacher. Their marks are then moderated externally by the IB.

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IB English Literature 
Readers, Writers, Texts 
Time and Space 
Selected poetry by Wislawa Szymborska 
A Doll's House 
Henrik Ibsen 
The Things They Carried 
Tim O'Brien
The Handmaid's Tale 
Margaret Atwood 
William Shakespeare
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous 
Ocean Vuong 
Selected poetry 
Carol Ann Duffy 
If This is a Man 
Primo Levi 
The Great Gatsby 
F. Scott Fitzgerald 

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Global Issue 
Put simply, a 'global issue' is an idea or theme presented in your text/s that has significance in the world. The IB states that it should have the following properties:
It has significance on a wide/large scale
It is transnational
Its impact is felt in everyday local contexts

An example of a global issue might be:
Money as a source of social repression in Metamorphosis and Death of a Salesman
This issue focuses on a specific topic, is not too broad and would allow for interesting development in the oral.


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Dates 2025
DP2 Lang Lit & Lit individual orals 7th - 14th February 

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IB English Language and Literature higher 
Readers, Writers, Texts 
Time and Space 
Selected poetry by Wislawa Szymborska 
A Doll's House 
Henrik Ibsen 
The Things They Carried 
Tim O'Brien
The White Tiger
Aravind Adiga

William Shakespeare
George Orwell 

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IB English Language and Literature higher 
Army recruitment 
Political cartoon 
Liza Donnelly 
Opinion columns 
Maureen Dowd 
Photography - photojournalism 
Philip Jones Griffith 

India statistics
Various bodies of work which are non-literary texts from the same author, but from different text types. 

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